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"Fuck!" A frenzied curse spurt out of my mouth as pain punctured on my right shoulder. 

Looking down at my shoulder, a horrid gash trails the spoiled skin as blood immediately drips down my body, soaking my remaining torn up chemisette. The hot breeze brought a slight pain on my freshly open wounds making me wince. Annoyed, I whip around and snort-smirk at the glaring brown head before me. Fucking stubborn. 

Hair was messy, shirt ripped, bruises and slashes on skin and blood hugged both our forms. Despite our severe condition, none of us seems to back down. Not until one kneel down in a rightful defeat. Too bad I'm not introduced to such a thing and by the potent looks on her bloody face, she's not near to backing down. The defiance on our face was unmistakably formidable. We both grinned eerily. 

Good. I am barely starting. 

I smirk and shrugged my bloody shoulder, the pain seething within me but I heed no care of it. I studied her elevated body. With a swift move I lean back, my right feet pivoting to push a force and stealthily strike the side of her body. She has predicted my bold moves as she responds to a defense, our swords meet; expressions mirroring. 

"I'm killing you" She raps, eyes burning fire in their depth. 

I answered with a sinister smile and put an amount of strength on the sword approaching her skin, she gritted her teeth and pushed back hers. Fresh blood steamed on the sharp edge of our sword and with swift movement we both skid side to side, our swords dancing on each tail. Both rabid, we stared by distance, swords hoisted up. 

"Do your best" I chided. With one last glare she screamed and sprinted my way, I raised my sword and positioned myself before I took a strike meeting her. A shrill of clinking metal reverberates through the silence of wilderness as our swords continuously swing at our lightning pace. 

The pumping of heart beat with the heavy breathing, dropping of sweats, and the blood flows on veins was too evident by the sensitive sensory. The next seconds fly by like the weather as we dance by the rhythm. Grunts and hiss were exchanged by both mouths as both bloods marred the floor. 

The animals on ear-shot have long gone for escape. Fearing for their lives and peace as the atmosphere heated by the fierce fight. Numbers of trees were cut to pieces and now lying over the ground, barreling through our pathways, limiting our movements, but both of us are hell bent on defeating each other. 

"I can do this the whole day, sis." She mutters. Implying discreetly for me to submit and admit defeat. The undertone of hers only makes me snort. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2023 ⏰

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