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My heart beats rapidly as the two male fairies carry me towards Lunar.

Kit hovers till he lowers himself down beside Lunar. Kit looked nervous. He begins speaking to Lunar in their language, as if he were negotiating.

Lunar shakes his head, gripping Kits claw and holding it up.

Then he looks into kits eyes and speaks. Kit presses his lips into a tight line, stressed, but he nods.

My frame shakes as the take me up and a Lunar grips the back of my neck, pushing my head against the podium.

He holds me down and I see him motion to Kit. I hear him huff.

I feel kits hand on my shoulder and my shaking intensifies as I feel my hair being moved from my neck.

"Don't move."Lunar's accented voice says.

I clench my eyes closed as I feel a sharp poke at the back of my ear.

I take a deep breath as I squeeze the sides of the the podium table.

I suddenly feel a sharp pain and I jump. The initial pain doesn't hit till I feel the venom spill out of his claw.

I scream at the burning pain that seared throughout both my ears.

I scream, tears falling from my eyes as Lunar holds me in place, keeping me from moving.

I notice Stephen in the crowd, his hands on his head as if he was feeling my pain.

I scream, trying to pull away, and squirming for my dear life, till suddenly, everything fades to white.


I slowly open my eyes, hearing unfamiliar voices.

"Dad is she alright?"

"I don't know kit."

"She will be fine."

"She's very pretty."

"Human women are often beautiful."

"Does she have an egg?"

"Humans don't mate like fairies do. When they have younglings they grow in their stomachs."

I open my eyes and look around, seeing that I was surrounded by fairies, including Kit, Lunar and Stephen.

"Are you alright?"Kit asks.

I widen my eyes.

Kit looks up at Stephen.

"Can she understand me dad?"

My jaw drops in awe.

"I think she can, Kit."Stephen smiles.

"She has been initiated."Lunar says.

I sit up, hissing as Stephen helps me sit up.

I look around.

"I can understand you."I say, gripping Kits hands.

"It's about time."Kit laughs.

"It is unfortunate that the numbing from the venom will ware off soon."Lunar says.

Kits voice was low, and had a British accent like Stephen.

While Lunar had a thick Brazilian accent.

"Is it going to hurt, Stephen?"I ask.

His face droops and he nods.

"The next two days are going to be the worst of your life, Katherine."he says.

I crack a small smile.

"That's okay. It's okay."I smile.

"I'm glad I can finally talk to you Katherine, dad has told me much about what it's like to be human, I'd prefer to stay like this."Kit says, sitting me down.

"Kitran. You must tell me why you have returned."Lunar says.

Behind him stood two small, female fairies.

"Kitran?"Stephen and I say simultaneously.

"There's people after us, Lunar."Stephen says.

"What kind of people?"he asks, standing straight.

"Bad people, brother. The ones who abducted me as a youngling."Kit says.

The two young fairies come from behind Lunar and towards me.

"I've never seen a human girl before."One of them says, her small claw wrapping around my hand and making me chuckle.

"So you return after all these years because you need refuge?"Lunar says, his expression slightly judging.

"Brother, you know I would've returned sooner, if I could."Kit stands.

"Instead you return 17 years later, and you bring two humans into a sacred place untouched by any human hands or eyes."Lunar says.

He then looks at me.

"She's actually fine. It's the man I do not trust."

"Wh-"Stephen says, slightly offended.

"This man is my father. Like it or not. He raised me and kept me safe, and it was my fault we got caught."Kit says.

"What do you expect us to do?"Lunar asks.

"We're just asking for shelter till the heat dies down."Kit says.

"Lunar, please. I-i- know we don't know each other very well, but these guys are like my family now. And I couldn't bear to see them hurt again."I say.

Lunar looks at me and then huffs.

"Fine. Young, come."he says, turning around.

The two little fairies gripping my hands giggle and run after Lunar.

"They're adorable."I say.

"Lunar's children."Kit says.

"How precious. Is it bad to say I want one?"I ask as my hand comes to the back of my ear.

"No, don't touch."Stephen says.

I take my hand away and look at my fingers.

They were covered in a brownish liquid. My blood mixed with Kit's venom.

I gag instantly and cover my mouth.

Stephen approaches me, pulling me into a soft hug.

My hands shake a bit as I wrap them around his waist.

"I know it's gross, I know. Just don't touch it, it could get infected."Stephen says.

I nod and press my face against his muscular chest.

"Are you gonna tell her you love her?"Kit says.

"Shh!"Stephen says.

"Oh shit, she can understand me."Kit says.

"What?"I ask, sitting up.

"Nothing, nothing love."he says, placing my head back against his chest.

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