The doctor

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I sigh, looking out over the beautiful view from the top of the large tree.

I could see the clouds rolling over the sun, and the birds flying overhead.

"Are you worried?"

I look down at Stephen who was laying on the tree, looking up to the sky.

"A little."I say quietly.

"What do I have to go back to, really? And how do I tell my dad I crashed his beloved plane."I say, making him chuckle.

" I do have a house you know.."Stephen says, looking at his hands.

I turn fully to look at him.

"What?"I ask.

"W-Well I mean if you wanted you c-could like..stay.."he says.

"...are you asking me to move in with you?"I ask softly.

"..yeah."he says, sitting up.

"If you want to, I mean."

"Of course."I say, making him smile instantly.

"Wow, really? Hold on-"he says before quickly standing up.

"Really?"he asks again.

"Yes Stephen, I'd love to move in with you."I chuckle.

"Holy shit."he chuckles.



Kit slowly circles around the unconscious man responsible for the kidnapping and torture of his father.

"You look like Enoch."Moon says.

Kit looks up at him.

"Wake him up and ask your questions."Kit says


I sigh as we walk past the ceremony area.

"Kit will be fine."Stephen says.

"I know. But I'll miss him. My life was so boring before I met you guys. And it's full of magic and adventure now. I really don't want to go back to being boring."I say.

"Hey, if I can promise you one thing Katherine, it's adventure."Stephen chuckle as we walk towards the exit.


We both jump, turning around to look at the ground.

There we see the partial face of Enoch.

It was only his right eye, a cheek, and part of his mouth.

"Kit is evil."

"What?"Stephen says.

Enoch's face takes a deep, hitching breath.

"The day...the day the tree was burned...the day you found kit.."he says.

"I'm seriously scared."I say, backing away afew steps before stepping grips my wrist.

"Everyone thought...the fire took kits parents....but the night before...I heard them and the elders speaking. Speaking of a prophecy."Enoch says breathily before his eye rolls back.

He takes another deep breath as my hands begin to shake.

"The prophecy told of a black winged that would... reclaim the forest, slaughtering the humans.....the elder confirmed....that kit was to be the prophet...he demanded Rahk and Kitta to execute him.."

"No. No way, you're lying. Kit wouldn't hurt...he glances towards me and then back to Enoch.

"Their attempt was unsuccessful..I could see from my cage...kit was too fast..he didn't even hesitate to claw their throats..."

I whimper and cover my mouth, blinking tears from my eyes.

"And then the fire started...and kit ran to a hollowed out tree...... And a stupid human soldier.... stumbled upon the bodies..found kit nearby.."

I could feel Stephen's hand shaking around my wrist.

"And instead of... finishing off the prophet...he tucked him safely into his jacket.."Enoch's eye rolls back and he takes another deep breath before smiling slightly.

"...I'm glad I won't live to see that unfold...but that is why you must leave....this place...kit cannot taste human blood...if no humans are present..."

He takes another deep breath before his eye slowly moves towards me.

".....I'm sorry... human girl...I'm the only one of my kind...I only wanted change..."

Then his eye suddenly stops moving, and his lips quiver.

Then his eye begins to slowly disappear.

"...thank you...for listening to one else would.."

I turn away as his lips also begin to fade, and Stephen comes over to comfort me and I turn into his chest.

Suddenly we feel a gust of wind from above, and we both look up, seeing nothing but white feathers fluttering down from above.

"Was that lunar?"Stephen asks.

"I don't care. I want to go home now. Now."I say, walking away as I wipe my cheeks.


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