Chapter 1

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When my mom told me I was moving to California. I was pissed not because i was going to leave anything behind cause i had nothing here but my parents if you could even call them that but because they didn't even ask me how I felt about it, all they did was come up to my room and yell at me to start packing and we are leaving tomorrow. So i am currently packing up the last of the stuff in my room because we leave in 2 hours.I know they are doing this so i can get a new start but moving across the country isn't going to change who i am.

"Anaise Leah Santiago get down here. NOW!" i mumble a few profanities under my breathe while i walk down stairs to my mom. "What ma I'm trying to finish packing" i yell half way down the stairs. "what is this" she holds up a blade covered in blood and i mentally face-palm myself, i completely forgot about that last night and now shes going to lecture me about how precious life is yay 'note the sarcasm' "Well I'm guessing it's a blade and if your going to give me another stupid lecture about life I've heard it before and it's not going to change how i feel or who i am" and with the dumbfounded look on my moms face i know i won this fight and i walk back upstairs and finish packing.

After a gruesome hour and a half of packing and loading everything on to a truck to be taken to our private jet. We are finally on the jet on our way to L.A California. i am happy i finally can get away from all the people who are either terrified of me or torment me. I sat all the way in the back of our jet and sat there and thought about the last 16 years of my life. i us to love my life getting everything i wanted and no parental supervision but after i turned 13 all of that changed i missed having parents who care and love me. When i turned 14 that's when i started cutting, binging and purging, partying, and doing allot of other illegal shit. At first i only did it to get my parents attention but now i cant stop, its like an addiction and honestly if i had the chance to stop i wouldn't because honestly i have nothing to life for. The sound of wheels hitting the ground pulled me out of my thoughts. We just landed and i am so happy to get off this jet and into my new house.

**30 minute drive to new house,2 hours into unpacking**

My mom calls me from down stairs "Anaise come down here please i have someone i want you to meet" i run down stairs in short shorts and a tank top with my hair in a messy bun. "Mami i really don't have time-" i stop mid-sentence when i see three people in our living room. Two of them look their in there mid 30's and a boy around my age, and to say he is hot is a huge understatement. He looks like a male version of the way i am. Emo, rebellious, dangerous, a delinquent. "Anaise these are our new neighbors this is Alex, Maria, and Angel" The two adults shake my hand and introduce me but their son Angel doesn't until him mom yells at him "Angel Dante Garcia don't be so rude introduce yourself i know i raised you better than that" I cough to cover my laugh "I'm Anaise Santiago".he nods his head and tell me his name is Angel Garcia. His voice, his looks everything about him pulls me in. He's cute and mysterious but as much as i like him i cant get involved. i haven't been in a relationship since i got my heart broken by my first well everything Nate.

"Ana why don't you take Angel upstairs so he can help you unpack, so i can talk to Alex and Maria" i was about to refuse but Angel had other plans "Sure i would love to help Anaise unpack" and with that said he grabs my hand and pulls me upstairs. Once we are in my room i decide to speak while hanging up my posters of my favorite bands "I'm just going to guess and say your what people would classify as a delinquent am i right" he looks at me for awhile and i start to feel very self-conscious since i look a mess while i have the most hottest guy ever in my room "Yes i am and i'm going to guess andf say you are as well and judging buy the white scars on your wrists I'm guessing your emo just like me" his husky voice keeps me in a trance until he clears his throat "Um yeah i am" even though I'm comfortable with who I am it's still awkward talking about it. " Hand me that one republic poster" he hands me it and I attempt to put it up where the wall meets the ceiling after I few failed attempts I feel someone press up against me and take the poster from my hands. I look up to meet the most beautiful light blue eyes I have ever seen. I turn around so I'm facing him but we never break eye contact. We stay like that for whats seems to be an eternity. The door suddenly swung opened to reveal angel's and my parents. "hey mami,papi what's up" i move away from Angel and my mom walks in my room she walked into my room and started to look around mentally disagreeing with everything in my room but honestly i could care less."I invited the Garcia's for dinner it will be ready it 20 minutes" I told her it was fine and I would be down in a few minutes. After she left I continued with unpacking Angel walks up to me "Anaise we can't do this I'm dangerous" I lean closer so out foreheads are touching "I like danger and I'm dangerous too" he walks closer to me so his whole body is pressed up against mine "I'm not a good guy we can't do this" i look up at his amazingly blue eye "and you think i'm a good girl when I'm not Ive done some very bad things and trust me my record is far from clean" He starts to leave kisses along my neck and collar bone. He hits my sweet stop and i let out a moan. He looks into my eyes and smashes his lips against mine. He starts pull up my shirt but only up to my bra. He slips his hand in my bra and starts to massage my breasts. I let out a few moans and i break the kiss only to rip off his shirt. His other hand was roaming around my stomach, it felt good but i moved his hand away because of my scars, i hate them but at the time it helped. He starts to grind his hips on me and I feel his little friend downstairs poking me. Before we can get any further my mom calls up downstairs for dinner. " we should get downstairs before they get suspicious" I nod in agreement and throw his shirt at him " Angel can I ask you something" he looks at me and for a moment I get lost in his soft blue eyes "sure Ana anything" a part of being who I am is being self conscious "did you notice m-my scars" he walks over to me and pulls me against his chest "yeah I did" i rest my head against his bare chest "You don't think I'm ugly" he pulls away to look at my eyes "they don't make you ugly they make you beautiful and strong, they remind me that your have been through some really hard things and I'm just like you I know how hard it is to stop because believe me I tried and Anaise don't worry ill never judge you about anything" a tear rolled down my cheek and angel wiped it away " Angel I-I thank you no one has ever said that to me before" my mom yell at us to get downstairs we hurry and get dressed. After a few minutes of arguing with angel about his giving me a piggy back ride downstairs I finally give in and jump on his back "ready. GO!" He runs down the stairs and start to laugh and as we enter the dining room everyone stops and stares at us I jump off of his back and take my seat next to my dad"Ana what was all that about" he whispers into my ear "nothing papi we were just fooling around he's actually really fun i think we are going to be really good friends" i look at angel and he's already staring at me. I wink at him and he shoots me a smirk that would get you to do anything he wants. "Just be careful from what Ive heard he's not a very good kid" i look down at my food "Neither am i papi remember that" He lets out a sigh and turns to his left and continues talking to Maria and Alex. After dinner was finished My mom and dad told Maria and Alex to stay for awhile and help them unpack and set up my dad's bar downstairs. Me and Angel went upstairs to finish unpacking the rest of my stuff. "Ana what are these" i turned around to see Angel looking through my box of old blades, i ran up to him and took the box away from him "nothing Angel just let it go okay" he grabbed my arm and turned me around "Why do you keep them Ana" i looked to the ground suddenly finding the black rug interesting. Angel took my chin in his hands and forced me to look at him "Why Ana" i honestly didn't know why they felt like something to remind me of my past. Some people keep pictures or letters but me i keep my old blades because each blade held a different memory. i looked into him amazingly blue eyes "Memories" he let go of my chin and rapped his arm around my waist "Why remember bad memories don't people usually want to forget them". "Yeah but I'm not most people, all i have is bad memories to remember so why not remember some" He kissed me softly and whispered "Well we will just have to make some good memories then" and at that exact moment my door flew open to reveal both mine and Angel's parents. "Ana Angel needs to heading home" my mom informed me i have Angel a quick hug and shook his parents hands, everyone said their goodbyes and my bed suddenly felt so comfortable, i layed down and fell straight to sleep with a smile on my face. i know i said i wouldnt get involved but how could i not.


First chapter of my first book hope you guys like it i know its not that long



and let me know what you think :)

~Mellz Ox'~

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