Part 7

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I got up at 6. Took a shower, did my hair, got dressed, ate breakfast, left for work. I wore today:

As I reached the office, everyone was busy, me too as the trial was today, at 4

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As I reached the office, everyone was busy, me too as the trial was today, at 4. As I sat down I saw my coffee, and saw my schedule  for the day. I remembered that izzy was going to come today. I made sure everything was done for the trial, then I did some more research for the trial so it would come in handy if something happend, I knew that today is going to be an emotional day for everyone else. As I was doing the research I looked at the time and it was now 3:55 so I left and went to the court by cab. As I reached there, they were standing outside talking.

Allison: good morning.
Harvey: good morning.
Mike: good morning, so everything is ready right?
Allison: yea.
Then the trial started after everyone took their seats, as the trial was going on they were questioning the people on stand and I knew that Harvey didn't have enough questions to make the answer come out I knew how to do it. You see they were trying out who killed the guy so his inheritance would go to the siblings and the both of them were the suspects. When he was coming to sit I got up to  ask the questions, I did a spead round:

Allison: so when you came you saw both of the sisters on the body covered in blood.
Person: yes covered in blood.
Allison: so who had the gun.
Person: the one with the dark hair.
Allison: so who killed the father?
Person: me.
I said it quickly as he didn't have time to answer the questions without time to think. So I got my answer.
Allison: that will be all your honour.
Then I went back to my seat. Then the judge said that he would be put in prison for 7 years and the inheritance spit between both. Then the case was over. Then I left and  harvey pulled me back.

Harvey: how do you know it would work?
Allison: his face seemed to be I pressure already, so i didn't give him time to think, the more faster the questions come out his brain gives out answers without thinking.
Mike: well it finished quickly.
Allison: it's one of the oldest tricks yet comes out unexpected. You didn't know what other questions so i used it to my advantage.

When I was about to leave, soemone came up to me and told me that the judge is calling me in her office. As I was about to go Harvey entered aswell. The judge's name was Astrid.
Astrid: great work allie.
Allison: thx Astrid.
Astrid: it's been so long since we have seen each other.
Allison: yea like 10 years I think.
Astrid: yea. Since high school. I was mad at you last time but it was OK I got an advantage out of it.
Allison: it was just a prank either way I was the one who got suspended.
Astrid: i was really impressed by you today, nobody has pulled that card since so long. Congrats.
Allison: thx.

Astrid: you can leave now. Both of you good work.
Allison: bye hope to see you again.
Then I left and harvey came outside aswell.
Allison: that's how you win in one day of trial Harvey.
Harvey: ok I get it.
Mike: so what did she tell you both?
Harvey: for her she was saying how long they haven't seen each other and then she Congratulated us both.
Allison: he is sad that he didn't get to win it by himself.
Harvey: no I am not.
Allison: you were always like that in college you would always go for the longest way while others could finish it in few minutes. When the professor used to ask a question and he would answer, me and Dana would make it a mission to make sure our answer is better than his.
Mike just laughed. 
When we were about to leave Mike left because he had his bike, I was going to call a cab but then Harvey told me to come with him. So i got in the car with him.

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