Part 8- the end

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So after the last chapter, I spent the next whole day with izzy and then she left. Now: the day after that.

I woke up at 6. Took a shower, did my hair, got dressed, ate breakfast and drove to work. When I reached there, I saw the coffee on the table and I did some work. Today I wore:

As I finished some work I had, lilly came into my office and told me that Jessica calledĺ me

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As I finished some work I had, lilly came into my office and told me that Jessica calledĺ me. So I got up and went to her office, when I reached there, Harvey, Mike and Louis were there aswell.

Jessica: we will be going to a gala event today at 7, Formal wear and its a masquerade. it will be 3 hrs long. Talk with few clients and make a good impression.
Louis: why only us?
Jessica: as I got an invitations for only us 5. Ok you guys can leave now.

Then I went into my office and finished some more work.
T.I.M.E.S.K.I.P. ♡♡

It was now 5, so I went home, once I drove home ,parked and went into my apartment. I opened my closet thinking what to where:
I decided to wear:

As I finished it was now 6:55, so I took my car and drove there, once I reached, I gave it to the valet there

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As I finished it was now 6:55, so I took my car and drove there, once I reached, I gave it to the valet there. As I entered, the venue was huge and I loved how it looked, everyone was wearing A dark colour and I wore black the most darkest colour. As i was walking through I saw that there were caterers passing by with champagne in big golden plates. I took one and started talking with people, as I started walking around, Louis came up to me.

Allison: hello Louis.
Louis: hello Allison, looking quite nice.
Allison: thank you.
Then Harvey and Mike came up.
Louis: I wasn't able to recognise you with the mask.
Harvey: well the point of a masquerade is for it to be able to be hard to find the person you need to find.
Mike: looking nice Allison.
Allison: thank you, not too bad yourself.
Then Louis went as he saw Sheila and Mike went as Jessica called him.

Allison: I need another drink.
I saw another golden plate passing by Harvey took my empty glass and switched it with two glasses of champagne and gave one to me.
Allison: thank you.
Harvey: the dress looks really nice.
Allison: thx. I thought I saw Dana here.
Harvey: oh she isn't here, she went to Boston.
Allison: aww it would be fun for her here tho.
Host: we would like you to have a dance with us. Pick a partner and join us for a waltz dance.
Harvey: would you like to dance?
I took his hand.
Allison: yes.
Then we went to the floor and did one dance and then went back.
Harvey: you are a nice dancer.
Allison: thank you, you are good at it too.
Then Harvey left.
I saw that there was an entrance to a garden, I got tired because of how loud the area was and went to the garden, started roaming around and since it was night I loved looking at the night sky. Today was a Friday so it was technically a weekend.

After sometime it was 10 so I went back home. When I was in the elevator, Harvey was there too.
Harvey: how about a drink with me?
Allison: sure.
Then we went to his apartment. He took out a bottle of wine and poured it into 2 glasses and gave one to me and sat down next to me. We talk for about 2hrs, until after the 4th glass finished I kissed him and he did the same, then we were in the bedroom, my dress was unzipped and I was on the bed, the 18+ thing happened.

The next morning. I woke up with the sun hitting my face, I was in white fluffy soft blankets and with no one beside me. As I got up and got dressed, I went to the kitchen. He was there:
Allison: good morning.
Harvey: good morning. There's coffee in the pot.
I went to the coffee machine and took a mug and filled it with coffee. After 2hrs there I returned to my house and took a shower and did my hair even though I let it stay wet. I decided to go to the beach today, Rachel and Donna joined me and Rachel called Mike and Donna called Harvey, so us 5 went to the beach. I wore:

We all said we would meet at the beach

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We all said we would meet at the beach. Once we all arrived there, I met Rachel and Donna first. Mike and Harvey were on a walk.
Allison: so let's get the fun started? Plus it's good as the beach is empty.
Donna: let's goo.
I took the swimsuit cover off and kept it inside the bag along with my slippers, we went to the water and were walking step by step inside. As I went inside, we started splashing water at each other and playing.

Harvey pov:
As me and Mike were walking around, we decided to head back. As we came back, we saw the girls playing in the water. My eyes first went to Allison, she looked so hot playing in the water, she kept on splashing water at Donna and Rachel and both of them took water guns and were splashing water at her, while she used normal water yer she was beating them. Me and Mike got some drinks for me and him to have.

3rd person pov:
As the girls finished playing for 2hrs, they dried themselves off with towels and changed into normal beach clothes.

Allison pov:
We had so much fun, me and Rachel had a plan, we filled water balloons and shot them at Donna, when Rachel was going to throw it at Donna, Donna dodged it and it hit Harvey. I took one at threw it at Mike. Then they joined aswell throwing water balloons, after 1hrs we ran out, everyone got dry and were sitting down and eating food. Donna closed her eyes and sat down on a beach lawn chair and was listening to music, while Rachel and Mike went on a walk, me and Harvey did the same thing. After 30 mins, we all started playing beach volleyball.

At 7 we all returned home and that was the day.

~ ♡T.H.E E.N.D.♡~
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