Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: Aiden's Dilema

"Sir, the Idle Tap Company wish to corporate with us. Should I arrange a meeting?" A woman's monotone voice echoed inside the office.

"What company is that? Seems like something I would hate. Reject it." Aiden answered hastily, waving his hand indicating the woman to continue her list. His eyes completely focused on the paperwork on his desk that seem to increase after a few seconds of blinking.

"What about Coronarus 19 Company sir? Their company mostly develop game about virus simulation which seem popular these days. Should I arrange a meeting?" His secretary asked again, her eyes not even glancing at the busy man as she focused on the file in her hand.

"The hell is that? Seems dangerous. Absolutely reject it." Aiden once again ruthlessly reject another company.

"How about the Seed Company? They specialized in making farming game. Should we corporate with them?"

"Finally something normal," Aiden let out a sigh, "Prepare the meeting arrangements to be in next Wednesday. Anything else?"

"Next is your schedule after lunch. You will have a meeting with the shareholders of the company and--"

His secretary continue reporting Aiden's schedule before finally exiting the office. Now that she's gone, Aiden finally had a room to breathe. He's been doing the same routine for almost eight years. He remembered when he made his company. At that time, he was still a normal ambitious man who had a big dream. He was energetic and always optimistic. Now, when he compared his past self with his current self, everything seems like a dream. He was now just a busy 29 years old man who often skip meal for his work.

Damn, just how much did he change in eight year?

Why the hell did he even thought about making a company? He should have just quit halfway if he knew that he would ended up as a work slave in his own company. Now he only barely able to go to gym once every week. Thank God that he's still handsome as ever or else he may cry a river.

"I really need a damn break."

He really should have one. Going on a trip didn't sounds that bad. Maybe he can even be lazy for a whole week. Who can stop him?

Right, no one can stop him. He is his own boss!!

"I need to go before that woman come. I don't need her nagging anymore"

He immediately stood up from his chair and exited the room. Taking the elevator that was reserve for him before quickly making his way out of the company. He then continue toward his house while driving his car to pack necessary thing for his trip. He was excited of course, it's been a while that he finally went on a trip that wasn't business.

He stopped at the airport with his belongings, wearing his mask and sunglasses to avoid people from recognizing him. After all, he's one of the public figure here. He'd be damned if news came out that he's in the airport, his assistant won't let him go. Thank goodness that he already bought a ticket on his way to the airport. Now all he need was to walk in. He finally free!!


{A few hours later}

He exited the plane and descend the stairs to quickly fetch his belongings. He walk away from the airport before finally gaining courage to turn off the airplane mode on his phone. Just like as he expected, multiple notification rang his phone, attracting the attention of passerby. He immediately put his phone on silent and scurried away from that place to avoid further embarrassment. Truly, such an embarrassing start.

He checked his phone and found out most of the messages and missed call came from his secretary while some of it from his friends, no doubt that woman sold his name to them so that they came to annoy him. Damn secretary.

Just when he was cursing the said secretary existence, she called him again. This time he immediately answer, receiving annoyed sigh on her end.

"Tell me, where are you?" Her voice sounded annoyed. It's been a while since he heard any feeling expressed from her.

"Korea, why?" Aiden answered nonchalantly

"What the hell are you doing there?? What about your due paperwork? Aiden, are you fucking kidding me?!!" Ah, she exploded.

"Relax Kristina, I just need a break. I never had a proper vacation for eight damn years!! It's about time I got one"

"What about your meeting after lunch? And those appointments we made after a long time? Are you going to cancel it?!!"

"Cancel those meeting, I had enough seeing those old man's face. And about those appointments, it's next week right? I'll be sure to come back before then." He answered carefully. He known Kristina since childhood and he already knew how bad her temper was, it be great if he didn't provoke her now or else she may just come here and take him back to the company.

"......fine" she answered after a few seconds of debating inside her head. It's true that Aiden never really got a break. But who asked him to make a successful company? But her money still come from him so she couldn't do much, "I'll handle your work for the next few days. You better come here after your trip or I'll rise hell."

"Sure sure" with that she hung up the phone. Cheeky secretary. How dare she hung up on her boss?

He let out a sigh before focusing his gaze in front of him. Damn, he's hungry.

"I should change my money currency first. Let's enjoy my first trip."


♦ Another book that I'm not sure will be completed lol.

♦You read the title right. It is BL. I feel like after making myself join the dark side, I never be able to write straight novel again. I'm sorry my OC.

♦I love Dokja the most!! Btw, I only halfway through the novel so don't blame me too much if I got something wrong.

♦I'm sorry if I wrote anything strange in this chapter. I only ever went inside the plane once when I'm seven years old. I don't remember shit. So I just wrote what I thought the process is.

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