Chapter 9

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Chapter 9: Doki Doki...maybe not

Aiden lean his body on the wall, away from the crowd as he stare intensely in front of him, or more specifically, the window that appears in front of him.

[Coins Possessed: 3,450 C]

'Now what should I do with these?' He thought as his mouth move to bite on the protein bar, the basic essential that he always had on him in case of emergency.

'I know that it's supposed to be used for fee or something but that can't be the only purpose for sure' Aiden's free hand move to touch all over the window of his atribut. As soon as his hand touch his stat, a new window popped out.

[Increase Stamina Level? Y/N]

'Oh so that's how it is.' Flicker of excitement flash through his eyes as he agree to raise the level.

[300 coins have been consumed.]

[Stamina Lv. 7 -> Stamina Lv. 8]

[Coins Possessed: 3,150 C]

"...that's kinda pricey for one level" Aiden muttered to himself as he continue to upgrade his stats.

[1,800 coins have been consumed.]

[Stamina Lv. 8 -> Stamina Lv. 10]

[Strength Lv. 6 -> Strength Lv. 10]

[Player's Information]

[Name: Aiden Smith

Age: 29

Constellation Support: None

Private Attribute: Lucky Workaholic (General)

Exclusive Skills: Hidden Presence Lv. 5, Weapon Mastery Lv. 3, Martial Artist Expert Lv. 3, Lie Detection Lv. 1, Overwhelming Presence Lv. 4, Strategic Thinking Lv. 3, Luck Lv. 5, Guardian Lv. 1

Overall Stats: Stamina Lv. 10, Strength Lv. 10, Agility Lv. 6, Magic Power Lv. 5

Overall Rating: A workaholic with incredible luck. The luck only effect him and may bring disaster to those around him.]

[Coins Possessed: 1,350 C]

"Ah I'm broke..." He sigh forlornly. It's been a while since he experience this type of predicament. After all, his company turned out to be quite successful, lack of money never the issue after that. But as he look at the abysmal amount of coins he possessed, he couldn't help but feel a bit of sadness.

Even though, he look quite relaxed, but he never really let his guard down. Everyone's enemy until proven otherwise, it's something that he always stand to. So when he felt a presence slowly approaching him, he couldn't help but to become tense.

"You, what's your name?" The presence was none other than our resident neck-choking man. His presence is terrifying, even to Aiden. His guts feelings been telling him to run for a while now but he keep his calm and answer the man's question.

"I'm Aiden Smith, you?" Aiden spoke calmly, his face appears calm even though his instinct been blaring alarm for a while now.

The man didn't answer his question immediately but opted to examine him quiet boldly, clearly not trying to be subtle at all. After a few minutes if silence, he finally spoke.

"Yoo Jonghyuk" His cold voice send shivers down Aiden's spine but no changes can be seen on his face. "You look strong" He spoke again.

Aiden frown slightly. Clearly, this man in front of him is stronger, so Aiden doesn't dare to do anything suspicious.

"Not really" Aiden answered cautiously.

Yoo Jonghyuk stay silent again, still staring at him with those cold eyes before speaking once again. "I'm leaving the station tomorrow"

Aiden raised an eyebrow in question, looking extremely confused. 'And how is that my business?' He thought and chose to not say it out loud.

"Yes? Is there anything you need from me then?" Aiden asked. He slightly relax his posture after determining the man before him mean no harm, but he never put his guard down.

"Come with me" Was the boldest reply he ever heard from a stranger, a strong stranger. Aiden look at him as if he grew two head, clearly not comprehending the man's request (more like demand).

Yoo Jonghyuk stay silent and look at Aiden with a calculating eyes as he wait for Aiden's answer.

"Why though? I believe this is the first time we talk to each other?" Aiden asked, not completely able to hide his perplexed expression.

"I did say you look strong. We could go through the scenarios easily." Yoo Jonghyuk elaborated patiently.

Aiden rub his face in exasperation as he sigh, his mind thought up multiple possibilities.

'Indeed, there's a high chance that being with him will help me with my survival. He's also quite strong based on that stupid memory I saw before. But he's a stranger....still strong though....but he might kill me if I'm not useful....should I take a chance?' His thoughts is in shamble as he glance all around him before his eyes finally set on Lee Gilyoung.

"Sorry sir Jonghyuk, but I will have to refuse your offer" Aiden replied, looking almost apologetic, "I need to protect someone, it's a promise and I don't break promise."

Yoo Jonghyuk stay silent before he glanced behind him, accurately pinpointing Lee Gilyoung position. He then look at Aiden once again and nod before walking away, as silent as he appeared.

Aiden let out a sigh of relief, placing a hand on his chest, feeling his fast beating heart due to the anxiety.

'That guy....really is no good'


♦ A short chapter after a year of disappearance? Unforgivable!! I'm sorry!!!! As I wrote this, I have 4 assignments due next week. I'm not making up excuses about college though. I just didn't have idea on how to continue this book. But tonight I force myself to wrote this chapter. I must say, I already forgot the plot of this book so I ended up rereading everything again and god, it's a mess. My childishness clearly can be seen from my writing. Not that I had much improvement but it's still kinda bad. I might need to rewrite both of my book when I'm free.

♦Anyway, I'm sorry again. I may update this today but I won't promise that I will update regularly. I've always been a procrastinator, I'm not proud of it of course.....well, happy reading I guess?

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