chapter thirty three

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Gemma StylesAfter getting home from Zayn's, meeting his parents  and sisters, I sit on my bed with a huff

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Gemma Styles
After getting home from Zayn's, meeting his parents  and sisters, I sit on my bed with a huff. I miss Lex. I haven't seen her in ages. She's been hanging out with a Louis while I've been with Zayn, it's my fault really.

I heard a snicker come from through the wall, then lips smacking which made me scrunch my nose up but grab my book, opening it to my page. Of course Harry had another girl over. It's always her, she sounds familiar too but I can't put my finger on it.

His door is constantly closed and locked, I couldn't even get in if I tried. Not that I want too. I just don't understand him sometimes. He sings about having a huge crush on someone and then hooks up with all of these girls, it's so random.

He's been better with hooking up less but I still hear him with a girl, just laughing and talking muffled but I haven't heard him with a girl in a while. This was the first one in a while but it didn't make it any better. I just wanted to be with Zayn.

I haven't even told Lex about us yet, she seems busy everyday at this point. I turn my page and skim the words, movement coming from next door, but I just focus on my book.

"We need that touch from the one we love almost as much as we need air to breathe. I never understood the importance of touch...his touch...until I couldn't have it."

This book makes me cry even time I read it. It's my third time but holy shit this book is sad. It's about two teenagers in hospital, they have a sickness so six feet is all they know but they decide to steal a foot away.

"Harry," I heard a whine.

"Shh, baby," he whispers.

You've got to be fucking kidding me.

I freeze and roll my eyes when I hear his bed start squeaking, gasps coming from the girls lips. Is he for real right now? He knows I'm in here? What the fuck. I hear someone breathe out, these walls are super thin.

"Harry, fuck," she whines, Harry just hums.

I bang on the wall making the girl gasp in startle but it doesn't stop. Because these walls are so thin, I hear their lips smack, sharp inhales too.

I honestly hate having a room next to Harry's.

"Fuck you, you know I'm here!" I bang on the wall again.

"Fuck off Gemma!" he shouts.

"Why do you always have a girl over!" I shout back, knowing he can hear me clearly through these walls.

"Harry," she whispers. He shushes the familiar voice.

"Just leave me alone!"

I growl and stand up, ripping my door open and stomp down the hall. I go downstairs, mom and Robin watching TV. I walk in and sigh, walking over to them.

"Hey Gem," mom says with a smile. I just smile, huffing and sitting next to her. I rest my head on her thighs, whinging a sigh. She looks down at me, furrowing her brows. "What's wrong?"

"Harry's with another girl, I just wanted to get away from him," I sigh, fiddling with my gem necklace.

"I can't hear him," she shrugs slowly.

"Go to my room, you will," I whine. "I thought you told him to stop?"

"We did, Gem, we did," Robin now sighs.

"He stopped for a while there but...I guess he's back to doing it again,"

"I'm sick of it," I sigh. "Why does he have to do it in the house, literally inches away from me through a thin ass wall,"

"He doesn't listen to us, and as much as I hate to admit it, he doesn't actually have to listen to us anymore because he's eighteen,"

"That shouldn't count as a rule in this house," I shake my head.

"You're welcome to stay in here with us but as long as I don't hear him then I don't care that much, as long as he's being safe and doing it when we can't hear then I say go crazy, he's old enough,"

I sigh. "Why does he have to do it in the first place?"

"Why did you have sex?" she asks, my cheeks redden.

"I-I-I don't know," I shrug.

"It's a part of intimacy, some people like it more than others and go a bit crazy, just like Harry," she shrugs. I sigh through my nose, letting out a deep breath and watching the TV.

Alexis Pierce
Breathing heavily on me, ridding his high out with grunts, he puts his head on my throat, I look up at the ceiling, trying to come down from my high. We pant and when he pulls out of me, a mix out our cum slides down my inner thighs and definitely going on his sheets but I have a feeling he doesn't care.

He just happily got next to me, holding me close to him. I clear my throat and swallow, my lips parted from the air I have to catch. I feel guilty. Like very. I heard Gemma and I know she heard us which makes me believe she's downstairs with Anne because ever since we started, she stormed out her room and down the hall and we just haven't heard her since.

"I want a new tattoo," he randomly says, grabbing my attention.

"Another? You've got heaps of them," I run my hand down his arms that were inked.

"Won't stop 'till we surrender," he says, pointing to the bottom of his bicep.

"Why?" I ask.

"I'll get it if we ever break up," he says rather softly. "I hope it's never but if it all goes wrong, just know I'll never give up on you and I wont surrender 'till we both give up on each other," he explains and the meaning makes my heart swell.

"That's sweet, really," I smile. "But...I don't think this'll end," I shake my head on his chest.


I shake my head. "I don't," I speak my thoughts.

"I hope so," he smiles, kissing my head.


flashack - meant to be short.

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