Duncan and Alejandro

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Personality: shy
All characters are over 18

Y/n pov
After wining a challenge I headed back to my cabin when I was suddenly pulled into a cave. "Mmgmm" I tried to scream  but a hand was over my mouth preventing me from yelling. "Shhhh be quiet!" I heard Duncan say as he let go of me. I blush looking up at him. I've sorta have a crush on him I'm just to scared and shy to tell him how I feel. "Blushing already aren't you?" He says with a smirk on his face "s-shut up" I tell him as I hear him chuckle "Ah I'm not to late am I?" I hear another voice and when I turn around I see Alejandro standing at the entrance of the cave. "Nope were just getting started" Duncan says. I look at him confuse as he looks down at me " don't act all shy now I heard moaning our names in the cabins last night" I stop and blush even harder "you-you heard me?" "Of course we did your not very quiet" I heard Alejandro say from behind me as he touched my ass. "D-don't touch me there!" I yell at him while blushing. "You know you want it" Duncan says as he presses on my hard dick "ah~" I let out a tiny moan "your moans are beautiful" Alejandro says while kissing/sucking on my neck I blush and try to hide behind my hands "don't hide from us now" Duncan says still pushing against my dick while I was distracted I felt hands pull down my pants leaving me in only my underwear "nice underwear" Duncan says as he pulls down his shorts and leaves him in his black boxer birfes. "Touch it" he says as he guides my hand to his dick. As I felt my hand wrap around his already hard cock I hear pants unzipping I look behind me a see Alejandro in only his briefs (which where dark red) "like the view?" He says with a smirk on his face that matches Duncan's. I gasp as I felt my hard dick hit the cold air "wow you've got a nice ass y/n" Alejandro says as Duncan takes the chance to shove his dick into my mouth "mgh~" I moan "ah~ shit your mouth is so warm" Duncan moans out as he pushes my head down on his cock. I moan loudly when I felt a finger in me as Alejandro moves his finger in and out of me I moan more sending vibrations to ducans dick. "Fuck keep sucking like that" he says moaning a little. I whimper a little when I felt Alejandro's fingers leave me as he slaps my ass and bends over to whisper in my ear. "I'm going in" he says in a deep husky voice as he pushes his dick inside of me "AHHH!~" I moan loudly sending even more vibrations to Duncan's dick "f-fuck your Still tight~" Alejandro says as he gives a light thrust into me making me go more into Duncan's dick which makes me gag. I feel Alejandro trust get faster and harder as all you could hear is skin slapping my muffled moans and
Alejandro's and Duncan's groans. "F-fcuk in going to cum" Duncan says as he grabs my head and thrusted his dick in my mouth faster. "Ugh~" I moan as try not to gag on Duncan's cock "FUCK!" He yells as he cums hard. I gag as he lulls out of my mouth "swallow it" he demands as I do. 'It tates bitter' I say in my mind "Fuck~" I moan as Alejandro's thrust got even more faster. "I-im going to cum" I wimper "shit did you get tighter?!" Alejandro mumbles "haaa~" I moan loudly as I cum onto the caves floor. "Sh-Shit I'm cumming" "cum in-inside of me" I moan out loud. "SHIT!" Alejandro yells as he cums deep in me "haaa~" I moan as I feel him pull out and his cum seeps out of me. "That was great" Duncan says "yeah" Alejandro says breathing heavily. I look up at them "does that mean you like me too?" I ask shyly "of course it does" Duncan says as he kisses me hard "ah~" I moan as I felt my cock get hard again.
"Another round?" Alejandro says as he was stroking his dick "You bet" Duncan says. "But I get his ass this time!" He says quickly. 'This is going to be a long day' I think to myself.

Thank you for reading
Word count-779

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