Chapter Three

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A quick ***spoiler warning*** for this one - this chapter contains spoilers for Pokémon Legends: Arceus.


You stand blinking at the person in front of you as the sight of her brings back so many memories all at once. The Sinnoh champion, my best friend, the last person I battled before disappearing... "That was a truly excellent battle, Y/N, I can't remember the last time I was backed into a corner like that. Next time, you may well defeat me."... "Hey, Y/N! Come with me to the Canalave library, let's go research some myths together!" Oh almighty Sinnoh, that's the region's name in modern times, just like Kamado had suggested to you on the beach outside Jubilife. Everything begins falling into place. No wonder Volo looks so familiar, in a way you could never quite place, and no wonder you trusted him so easily - he looks exactly like your best friend in your past life! All of these thoughts come rushing through you so quickly that it makes your head spin as you remember parts of your past life.

You're from Sinnoh, Celestic Town to be precise, and you grew up alongside your best friend, Cynthia. Being a few years younger than her, you always looked up to her as a role model, and once she became Champion you aspired to challenge her at the Pokémon League one day. Which you had, and the battle was close, but you'd narrowly lost as you were both down to your last Pokémon. No wonder you've seemed to have a natural ability in Pokémon battles since arriving in Hisui - back in your past life you were an incredibly skilled Pokémon trainer, second only to the champion. And thinking about it, of course Volo's team seemed familiar in the battle at the Temple of Sinnoh - it was almost identical to Cynthia's team!

The force of everything falling into place, and the powerful relief you feel as you realise that you weren't some awful person in your old life, gets to be a bit too much, and you grab onto Adaman to steady yourself as Cynthia stays quiet for a moment, the ever-perceptive champion recognising your need to collect yourself. It's at this moment that you notice Adaman's muscles are tensed, and looking up you see him looking at Cynthia with a sceptical frown on his face. Realisation rushes through you as you realise that all he will be able to see right now is Volo, so you quickly compose yourself and run a reassuring hand down his arm as you say so only he can hear,

"Sweetheart, it's okay. I know who she looks like but trust me, Cynthia isn't him. She was my best friend in my past life - I promise you can trust her."

He relaxes slightly, trusting your words, as you turn back to Cynthia,

"Umm... hi?" you say sheepishly. Cynthia initially says nothing, instead pulling you into a tight hug, holding you for a few moments before moving back and finally saying,

"Y/N, I've missed you so much - where have you been all this time?!"

"You're not gonna believe me when I tell you, but trust me you'll want to know all about it," you chuckle, before resting a hand on Adaman's arm, "But first, I'd like you to meet my boyfriend, Adaman."

"Hi, nice to meet you," he smiles, but you can still sense a hint of unease from him. Understandable, really, given that his only association with someone who looks vaguely like Cynthia is the man who tried to kill you and destroy the entire region.

"Boyfriend, hey?" Cynthia says teasingly, before adding with a warm smile, "Well you two make a wonderful couple. Nice to meet you, Adaman."

"So yeah basically I got sent back in time by Arceus, lost my memory completely and seeing you just now has brought a lot of it back," you suddenly say casually, and Cynthia freezes and stares at you in complete shock.

"What?" is all she can manage, her eyes shining with a mix of wonder and disbelief.

"Yeah...," you say, "And Adaman here is the leader of one of the clans back in those times. The region is called Hisui, it's, um, old Sinnoh I guess."

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