Chapter 37

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Monday, 8:21 A.M.

"Goddamit, can you guys just fuck off?" I turned around from the seat to glare at Dami and Ari fighting over the ice cream cone. I was in the studio, revising some paperwork before BTS comes and Aera was having some conversation with the manager leaving me with the two kids. Alone.

Ari pouted, "Unnie, but it was mine! Dami unnie ate my ice cream-"

"And I am not even guilty! I am older than you. I can take whatever I want to and I want you to know that on 4th May this year, I gave you my ramyeon packet," Dami countered.

"Oh! And on 12th June, last year, you took my entire packet of jellies-"

"Part two, can you guys just fuck off?" I asked again, "as far as the ice cream is concerned, you can take mine. It's in the freezer of the dorm."

Ari's jaw dropped dramatically and Dami rolled her eyes.

"Did you hear an angel speaking?" Ari blubbered.


"Look, she spoke again. Goddess Mi Yi. You are great," she praised and that made me laugh.

"Why her? Literally always her!" Dami complained.

"Goddess and devil in the same room, what an irony," Ari shook her head and Dami just gave her a headshot.

"Hey? What was that for?"

"I am a devil. I am deemed to do this," she stuck out her tongue and ran off, Ari following her at a wild pace.

I sighed, my lips bearing the semblance of a smile and I turned back to look at the music sheets. Some music seemed off, to be true.

Again, there was shuffling at my back. They returned back again and this time I was really concentrated and that made my blood boil.

"What the fuck? Can't you spam emails just fucking get that straight that I am trying to-" I turned around and my jaw dropped looking at a wide-eyed Taehyung.

"What did I even do?" He questioned, his demented gaze fixed on me. Beside him stood Jin who was laughing hysterically.

I stood up quickly walked up to him, my eyes were dilated and my expressions were fazed.

"I am so sorry. I thought it was Dami and Ari. Actually, I was really trying to concentrate and they were just disturbing me so... I am sorry Taehyung shi..."

He pouted and his eyes were sad, I felt despondent and guilty.

All of a sudden he smiled and laughed making me confounded.

"I was just joking," he said and then displayed his famous boxy smile.

I sighed my hand reaching my heart, "Thank God!"

"You call Ari and Dami spam emails?" Jin asked with an amused smile.

"No... It was just I was pissed off. But, what are you guys doing here?"

"Actually, we all were in the conference room and Aera Noona was going to call you. But, we wanted to take a look at the studio, so, we came instead," Taehyung said.

"Ahh... You could have called me."

"They must have. You must haven't picked up," Jin replied making me gulp.

I gave a nervous chuckle, "Let's go then. If that's fine."

"Yeah," Taehyung beamed.

Okay, Jin, Jungkook, Taehyung. Left four in front of whom I have to embarrass myself. Great going Mi Yi.

We entered the conference room and my first glance was on Dami who was passing me awkward smirks. She really is a spam email!

I bowed down once, greeting the new faces. My heart was racing wild, not everyone gets a chance to work with their idols.

"I think, we all know each other, so, we can skip the introductions," Namjoon said with a bright smile on his alluring ruby lips.

"I agree," Aera said. And we all continued on the discussion. Literally, we had a whole session yesterday! How much do they discuss a thing that comes from the heart? I couldn't really take it.

"Uh a second," I interrupted gaining attention.

"I think we should not discuss everything and just go by the flow," I said.

"What do you mean by that?" Hoseok asked, his self emanating sunshine for real and his eyes beholding the moon... Just so comforting and affable.

"I mean... I don't know the way you work but I think let's just experiment and know. We know each other's vocal register, we really don't have to decide what will be the proportion."

"But I think, keeping proportions would be beneficial. If we are having male and female Collab, it would be better to have paragraphs distribution like that. It would give a structure," Jimin said, he had an amaryllis-redness on his face that shone like moon-kissed magnolias.

"In my take, music is not something structured... It has never been. It's a flow," Jin proposed and I nodded.

"I think we should first focus on getting accustomed to our ranges," Ari said, "I know we know our ranges but we still have to know the vocal colour."

"But that'll take a lot of time," Taehyung emphasized.

Yes, time was a bar. I contemplated.

"I think, we should give this a try. It would take some time but it's like venturing on a new journey so, we have to take risks," Suga said, a subtle calmness raining over his face like he was embodying an ineffable intelligence.

"I agree," Hoseok added and almost everyone nodded.

"So, I have some drafts of songs," Namjoon added.

"Even I have," I said.

"Um... I have some prepared as well, if you wanna see," Jungkook said, not looking anywhere. His cheeks were like the quasar in the dark universe, so luminous and visible.

I smiled at his deportment. After being a part of the world's biggest band, how did he manage to keep his puerility?

"Of course," Aera said and honestly his eyes shone brightly.

"I have a bit of drafts too, I can just hand them over to you if they are helpful," Ari mumbled.

Why are maknaes so cute?

"You can come along with us," Namjoon smiled at her and she was nodding a lot.

"About the duet, I think we should give time to Jin Hyung and Mi Yi shi to discuss," Namjoon added and everyone nodded.

I noticed Aera's gaze on me. She raised her brows as if asking me for reassurance and I just nodded. Everyone started getting up while he was sitting right in front of me with an expression I don't particularly know. Leaving me with Seokjin.

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