Chapter 48

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My eyes squinted and my head throbbed on interception of light. I felt a weight over my arm and my eyes reluctantly opened to glance at what it was.

My eyes almost balled out my sockets as I watched Mi lightly hugging me like a little baby. She was sleeping soundly, so peacefully, her collarbones visible above the blanket.

I looked around, lifting my head a little, our clothes splaying down the floor. My heartbeat dropped.

There's no way we did it!

All the consequences caused a thunderstorm to blow upon my placid mind. People will know! Our companies will know! Did we used protection? Probably not. What if she's pregnant? Wait... How will she react? Will she kick me out? Or will we fight together?

She moved a little and my already pounding heart revolted against my chest. I looked at her and all my thoughts as if faded in the second. Her long eyelashes, this cute little button nose, pouty lips, everything was mesmerizing.

"I love you Mi," I mumbled, tucking a strand of hair behind her ears to look at her features even more.

She must be tired. I don't remember clearly what happened but I do know it was her first. So was mine. I don't have regrets on her being my first. I hope she feels the same. I just hope.

My throat went dry on all the negative thoughts. I looked around for water but couldn't find. I gently lifted her head off my arm and placed it gently upon the pillow.

I wanted to kiss her forehead so bad but I restricted myself. Not until she consents for that. I don't even know what happened yesterday but surely we made love. I can feel my muscles aching.

I slipped into my pants and shirt and looked around the room. Really? A five star hotel not having water bottles? Or maybe I cannot find it?

I walked out towards the reception. I knew she would be needing that too.



I rubbed my eyes when my sleep was disrupted by nothing specific. Stretching myself, I suddenly felt a spasm of pain in my groin.

"Ahh," I whined, opening my eyes and how I wished I never opened them.

I was in a luxurious hotel room, in the bed, naked, with a tremendous ache all over my body.

My clothes were on the floor and fear was in my heart. Not just fear, a disgust, a terror.

Whom? With whom?

I tried remembering but my brain was faltering on memories. I held my head as it was pounding like anything.

I just lost my virginity to someone I don't know!

I glanced at myself, my body covered in purple red hickeys. It was touched by someone. I don't know who. Someone had sex with me. I don't know who. Someone... I don't know!

My body was aching badly and so was my head. But the terror was humongous. I couldn't look at myself... Even if I don't know what happened... I felt... Raped.

I somehow managed to tuck in my tears and stand up on my wobbly feet. I wore my dress again, took my phone and paced out of that horrifying place. I covered my face with my hair itself as I finally reached for a cab to my dorm.

I quickly shrouded myself in my room, without entrancing into anyone's eyes. As I closed the door, I felt the terror mounting to it's very edge. I fell down on the desolate floor, tears pouring out the grief and regret that instilled my heart.

Why can't I remember a thing?

My phone rang, 'Seokjin'. I wasn't in the state to take any phone call, so I just declined it, wanting to just immerse in the floor.

I stood up frantically, getting into the shower. I turned on the tap and felt water reeling down my body. I scrubbed each inch of my skin to get rid of any mark that man must have left upon me.

I want to be devoid of his marks, his presence, his existence.

After what felt like an hour, when my skin was all contracted, when it was numb to my own touch, I changed into a fresh pair of clothes.

I reached out to my phone painfully dialling for Jennie.

Mi! What's up?]

I broke down on hearing her voice as I rested my back against the bedrest.

[Are you crying?

[Jen... I lost my

[So? It doesn't define
you. Infact you had to

[To someone I don't know.]


I cried even more taking in her dumbfounded response.

[Tell me clearly what happened?]

[I... I was at the bar with
Dami, Jimin, Jin and then...
Then I don't know, I got drunk.
I just woke up in a hotel room.

[Shit! Are you okay?]

[I don't know.]

[Did they used protection?]

[I don't know.]

[Mi calm down. Shit shit!
Fuck! What am I supposed
to do? *Deep breath*

I'm coming. I'll bring some
contraceptives along. By any
chance do you think... It's jin?]

[Are you out of your mind?
He would never leave me alone
after this. He's not that kind of

[Calm down. I'll be there.
And believe me, even if you
lost your so-called virginity.

You are still a virgin if you didn't
consented for it.]

[I... I don't know Jen. Please
come here... Fast.]

[On my way.]

Call ended.


(A/N: Shit! Shit! Fuck!)

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