Chapter 7

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"You think the only people who are people, are the people who look and think like you." -Pocahontas, Colors of the Wind, Pocahontas

Timothy sighed and turned to the others, who started having a staring contest.

The woman with cat ears won.

She gave him an enthusiastic, close-lipped smile. "Glad to see you're up, Brandon. I'm Haylie."

She extended a white-gloved hand and he shook it without hesitation. Just because they all had strange appearances didn't mean that they were any less human.

He turned to the nasally voiced human monkey expectantly, who reluctantly grumbled "Charles." under his breath after both Timothy and Haylie elbowed him.

Brandon accepted his rudeness and nodded to himself.

"So, I guess I can see why you hide." Brandon admitted. "This is definitely not normal for an appearance. So, the next logical question is this: Who cursed you and why?"

Timothy blinked. "What, that's it? Straight acceptance, no denial, and no further terror?"

"Why would I be afraid?" Brandon countered, "You've done nothing to hurt me whatsoever. And although your appearances are disarming, I'll simply have to get used to it."

They all stared at him like he was an alien that had crashed a flying saucer before their eyes.

"Who are you?" Haylie asked.

"Brandon Beau Bates." Brandon propped his elbows on his knees and chin on his fists, looking for all the world completely relaxed.

"What are you?" Charles challenged.

Indignation flared suddenly, and for a brief moment, the calm exterior melted away.

"Says the person cursed to look like a monkey." Brandon snapped defensively without thinking, before quickly running a hand over his eyes. "Sorry. That was uncalled for."

"So you aren't totally at ease." Timothy said quietly.

"I'm miles from home, trapped in a creepy castle, surrounded by snow, and cursed people. Not to mention, your Mistress of the Castle threatened my father, causing me to be here in the first place before disappearing. I haven't seen her since I first got here." Brandon summarized. "Would anyone be totally at ease in a situation like that?"

"No. But I'm wondering how you think we're cursed, and also where I've heard the name Bates before." Haylie interjected.

"My cousin is Ethan Bates. He's a country singer in Alleba." Brandon admitted reluctantly, but Haylie shook her head.

"No. I've never heard of Ethan Bates either."

Brandon frowned and was about to question her further when Timothy interrupted.

"What about the curses? How did you know that? Do people know about us?"

His voice was tinged with severe urgency and something else. Brandon thought it sounded like a combination of anger and fear.

Brandon carefully dropped his arms, crossing them over his chest. "You are all clearly people, but you have animal appearances. I thought it was only natural to assume you were all cursed. I know I'm right too, because none of you corrected me. I didn't know this castle was even here. No one does. Honestly, if it weren't for my father being threatened, I'd be halfway to Yaquir's capital, Andoma, by now to speak with Princess Luna."

Strange looks appeared on all of the faces before him.

"What?" He asked.

"You're taking this awfully well." Timothy eventually muttered.

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