Chapter 32

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A/N: Princess Luna and Viviana. (I think you know who is who)^^^

One year later...

Brandon wrapped an arm around Luna's shoulders protectively, still smiling for the journalists at the press conference as they walked away, leaving General Yamina to start clearing everyone out.

As soon as they were in the room adjacent with the door closed, he actually hugged her.

"I saw that last question rattled you. Do you want to talk about it?"

Luna sighed. "I don't really know what to say. I'm worried about Nazeen, obviously, but asking so directly if I think their monarchy is failing because something is clearly wrong with their princess... it just reminded me. I managed to figure out what most people don't know yet. They likely won't know for another year at best. But Princess Isabelle is dying. She hides it so well, but if you analyze enough camera footage, it's apparent."

Brandon frowned. He did not know much about Princess Isabelle, only that the monarchy had been unstable ever since she'd been born. It wasn't her fault. People were only just starting to catch on.

"Are you planning on visiting Nazeen?" He asked cautiously. "Because I would advise against it."

Luna pulled away and looked at him. "Why?"

"Every other magical race knows to stay far away from Nazeen because it is controlled by witches. This is a problem because everyone acts in their own self-interest. Even if they don't destroy you right away, the likelihood of someone stabbing you in the back is very high."

Luna thought about it for a moment, before she nodded. "Ok. I'll listen to you... but only because you're the fey expert."

"Don't let Oliver hear you say that. He might be jealous."

Luna laughed and only managed to give him a quick kiss when the door opened. A girl in a red jacket with straightened umber hair and mint green eyes stared at them before sheepishly smiling.

"Hi. Sorry, I thought this was the way to the bathroom."

Brandon moved slightly in front of Luna. The girl might have seemed harmless, but naturally, he could see what Luna could not.

Red sparks were flying everywhere around her. A sign that she was not human. If he had to guess, he would say she was a witch.

Ironic, considering he had just been talking about them.

"You aren't wrong, just head through that door and take a right." Luna advised, pointing at the door that led to one of the main hallways in the second castle behind them.

The girl smiled in relief. "Great! Oh, but before I forget."

She held up a hand that had been partially behind her back and Luna froze, turning into a princess icicle the moment she saw what was in her hand.

A rose.

Brandon completely stepped in front of Luna, turning his back on the witch and facing his princess instead.

"It's fine." He whispered to her. "There is nothing wrong with that rose."

"Who is she?" Luna hissed back, her eyes tearing up at the edges. "Who is she, to mess with me like this?"

"A witch." Brandon answered honestly, peeking over his shoulder to see the slightly scared and confused look on the girl's face. One peek at her eyes, and the fact that the red sparks were moving faster, signaled to him that her confusion was genuine. "But a clueless one. She doesn't mean anything by the rose at all. I think it's just supposed to be nice."

"Do you not like roses anymore?" The witch girl asked, partially retracting her hand. "Everyone said you loved them. I thought bringing a gift would be nice because you just got better from your cold a week ago and no one seemed to notice. I always like it when my mom celebrates the little things, so I try to do it for others too."

Luna's face relaxed, and she glanced at Brandon. He nodded at her.

Go ahead. Take it.

Luna carefully wrapped her fingers around the petals, only shifting her hand when she found a way to hold onto the stem without pricking her fingers.

"In that case, thank you." She said quietly.

The witch inclined her head, and moved to the door. With her hand on the handle, she turned around.

"I'm Viviana, by the way." She said, waving the hand that wasn't on the door handle before she opened the door and left.

Brandon held out his hand and Luna dropped the rose into his palm.

"It really is just a rose. A very nice one, but just a rose." He assured her, giving it back and tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear.

"It's over." Luna mumbled, staring at the rose. "It must be. After all, it would only make sense that something starts and ends with the same thing."

"Exactly." Brandon agreed, pressing a short kiss to her temple before framing her face with his hand, and tilting her chin up. "But I believe we were rudely interrupted from something very important, weren't we?"

Luna giggled, wrapping her arms around him, the rose dropping to the floor.

"Yes, I think so too."

And she kissed him again, properly this time, thrilled that she had finally found what she believed she would never have.

"Winter turns to spring. Famine turns to feast. Nature points the way, nothing left to say. Beauty and the Beast." -Mrs. Potts, Finale, Beauty and the Beast

A/N: see you in the Ending Author's Note!

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