The Pencil disaster

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Warning:cursing, teen drinking, death

If anyone tried to tell you Alex died a Noble death, than they are lying.

He died by tripping over a fucking pencil, there goes all his pride.

Maybe we should start from the beginning and explain just how he died.

Alex was your average junior in high school. He was in karate and soccer, he got average grades and was semi-popular, he also had crippling depression and was stress out because adults don't seem to understand pressuring a 17-year-old about their future and making them take extra hard classes to impress colleges can ruin someone's mental health.

And because of this depression he got into drinking.

He was over at a friends house, their parents where gone for the weekend so Alex and a couple other invited some friends over had a couple shots.

He wobbled around the party, he notice more and more people showed up, the house became crowded, he headed towards the kitchen to get some water when he ran into an old friend.

"Oh hey Alex haven't seen you since you quit the anime club"

He looked up to see an old buddy of his from middle school, they use to be in the same club which he quickly quit after being bullied by most of his soccer team.

Ethan still continued the club and was still in love with anime, obvious to everyone given the fact that the guy wouldn't take off his Naruto headband, had a fairy tail tattoo and was caught kissing the cardboard cut out of his Waifu. Alex didn't blame him for liking anime, he still loved everything about it but nowadays he keeps it on the down low.

"Hhheeeyyy Ethan ollddd buddy" he manage to slur out, he needs to get that water now cause he's pretty sure he's seeing two Ethan's.

"How are you Alex, do you still love Naruto?"

"Oh I still like it but shhhhhhhh can't have anyone knowinnng buttttt I wiish I cooould meet kakashiiiiiii SOOO BAD" he giggled, I mean straight up giggled like a preteen girl.

It was a miracle that he didn't die from embarrassment right there.

Ethan just laughed at his antics "me too buddy, I really wish I could just go into a Isekai anime, junior year is kicking my ass lately"

"Hahahha sammme here try this" he than proceeded to poor the alcohol down the poor guys throat, all Ethan could do was cough and down it all.

The two soon left the kitchen with no water and a whole lot drunker.

Don't ask either of them how they ended up on the roof because they couldn't tell you, it was a blur for both.

A couple others where on the roof, some drunk girls, a couple guys trying to jump in the pool in the back and a girl doing homework which was the only weird one because who does homework at a party on the roof.

Alex remembers thinking how the fuck are the police not here??

"Alex remembers whhhhheeen kakashiiii stufff his fingers up narruuutttoos buttt"

"Yyyrahh thattt shit was sooo funnny"

Both end up hunched over with laughed, Alex felt something hit him, that something was a pencil

"You two better shut up some of us are actually trying to work here" he looked down to at the pencil laying on the floor in front of him.

He ignore it and went back to talking forgetting the pencil laying innocently in front of him.

"Did you two not hear me I said shut up"

"What's your problem"

"My problem is that I got a test tomorrow and my darling brother decided to throw a damn party so I went up here to avoid the chaos only for two idiots to keep shouting about anime"

Alex took a step forward right on the pencil, the pencil glided under his feet causing him to trip and fall backwards.

To drunk to catch himself he ended up stumbling backwards right off the side of the building.

Falling off a tall two story building though a shed onto a bunch of pointy gardening tools could do wonders for one's health 7/10 only bad thing would be the back ache.

He didn't have a long dragged out death thankfully.

He heard shouting and sirens before his world faded forever.

His last thoughts where he probably traumatized a bunch of teenagers, huh that pencil bitch deserves it.

He thought he died.. he probably would go to hell.

Instead he heard a robotic voice.

{system recognized Alex Gonzalez. Age of death:17 last wish: meet Hatake Kakashi}

Wait a damn minute does this mean his last wish was meet Hatake Kakashi?? Really????

{rebirth location: land of fire in popular anime Naruto

Accept or decline.}

Wait Naruto, like the anime, like the anime with child soldiers and killing and let's not even talk about Naruto shippuden's 4th war. Like it was cool to watch but experience it, I think the fuck not.


{system glitch, you have clicked Accept}

Not the fuck he didn't . He started to slam his finger on the decline button.

{you have clicked Accept, rebirth in 3}

Oh shit


He won't last long in that world, like he's gonna die so quick

{3 enjoy your new life}

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