Mistakes Happen

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Karasu glared at the gray haired man, this was his fault after all, next time keep your manly parts to yourself.

Now he's basically been reborn in hell.

Kakashi's single eye looked down at him, he was tense while holding him, it was obvious the guy didn't know what to do with him.

"Are you sure he's mine"

What did you think my mother was sleeping around with half of konoha, maybe she was?? He wouldn't know

"The DNA test confirms it, but I must warn you Kakashi he's part uchiha.

That finally got a reaction out of the copy nin "an Uchiha, like the same Uchiha that got massacred three months ago"

"Do you know any other Uchiha" the hokage deadpanned back which damn he didn't know the old man's got some sass.

"Have you told the survivor?"

"We have not"

"Oh" he was kinda disappointed meeting the so called genius because this man looks like he's stumbling though life.

Wait does this mean he's born during Kakashi's depression years. Well guess he won't be taken care of cause he's dads to busy taking suicide missions. Might as well take him back to the farming village at least he might get a chance to live.

"Do I- do I have to take him" wow thanks for the boost of confidence dad.

"He is yours, it's not like he has a clan to go to"

Than the man legit sighed, like next time don't go sleeping around with Uchihas, he knows he was a mistake but still stop looking so disappointed.

That's how he ended up in this sorry excuse of a apartment, it has nothing in it, were is the flavor.

He was placed in the corner of the bed while the man left to clean up.

Who leaves a baby unoccupied.

His new father that's who.

He ended up rolling around in the bed trying to entertain himself.

Eventually Kakashi returned, he just stood there watching him roll around in boredom.

"Well aren't you hyper."

He's not hyper he's bored, he really needs to learn how to talk so he could cuss everyone out especially that damn system that sent him here.

He felt the bed dip right next to him, Kakashi laid half curved around his new body, the man looked lost in though.

He patted his new fathers cheek, snapping him out of his (probably depressing) thoughts, he tried telling him not to worry cause now they have each other but it came out as meaningless baby talk.

He gave the man a reassuring gummy smile, and held the huge finger the man offered.

Of course he's new baby instincts had to ruin the moment, he had the sudden urge to bite the man's finger, and bite he did.

The man laughed at his antics which was nice, he slowly went to bed chewing on his new favorite chew toy and listening to Kakashis faint humming.

Kakashi's Pov:

Today was as normal as being in anbu could be, he took a quick mission( assassination of the wind Diamyo's aunt) but of course he's normal uneventful day was ruin by the child now laying in his arms.

He took the quickest route to his apartment, and laid the kid(his name was Karasu right?) down and went to shower.

He returned to the sight of Karasu rolling around his bed giggling to himself. He couldn't help but stare at the innocent child's actions, it finally settled in him that he is now a father.

He laid down careful not to hurt the kid, he began to think, what will he do? He can't be a father! He couldn't even protect his genin team how in the world can he protect his child and an Uchiha at that. His son would be targeted by everyone.

Suddenly he felt a small hand land on his cheeky, he looked at the hand, it was so small, so fragile. He met those huge puppy-eyes, Karasu started to babble useless things ending his sentence with a smile.

For some reason he never felt more assured in his life. Out of instinct he reach out his hand and gently offered the small baby his finger, a tiny hand grasped it.

Something in Kakashi just clicked into place at that moment, a need to provide and protect his child, his pup.

He felt something gummy bite down on his finger, a surprise laugh came out of him from the action.

He held Karasu close while he hummed.

He couldn't mess this up, sage help him if he loses another precious person.

His son, his son, fuck he's gonna be a terrible father.

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