Once Upon a Time

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Sans had started smuggling leftovers to the igloo so you could have a decent meal. He brought other things as well, like warm cloths, pillows and blankets, books for you to read, etc. You were grateful for the skeleton's kindness and glad it was him who helped you and not one of the others who were mad at the humans for killing the Prince. "so what do you want to do today?" Sans asked as you ate some leftover mac-n-cheese. You pondered the question for a moment while you finished your bite. "Some hide and seek?" Sans smirked. "are you sure you wanna lose to me again?" You narrowed your [E/C] eyes competitively. "Bring it on!!!" You yelled, putting aside the now empty dish. "you've got thirty seconds to hide!" Sans called as you bolted from your temporary home and deeper into Snowdin's forest. Unknown to either of you children that you were being watched...


Gaster wasn't oblivious to Sans sudden secretive behaviors or that he suddenly preferred to be out alone instead of going to the Lab with him to find a way to break the barrier. Sans was often gone long after Gaster was, according to Grillby and didn't return home until an half an hour before Gaster did. Whatever Sans was doing, he didn't want Gastsr to know. So he took the day off and followed the boy. Sans seemed to have an igloo a little ways into the forest. Gaster watched as Sans removed a container from the confines of his jacket and threw it in first. There was a complaint from within. "heh, sorry shorty." The comment was followed by more complaining as Sans went inside himself. Gaster was intrigued on who could possibly be inside. It didn't take long to find out before a human ran out. Gaster clenched his teeth. What in stars name was Sans thinking!? Gaster had to get Sans out of this dangerous situation! He went to fetch Sans from the igloo but that boy.. he'd already left. Most likely having teleported out. Gaster HAD to find him.


You squeaked as Sans poked his skull into your hiding hole. You'd found a hole from a partially uprooted tree to hide under, but he ALWAYS found you! "You HAVE to be cheating! There's no other way!" You pouted as Sans laughed and helped you out. "nah, i think of it more as practicing my magic." You gawked. "You're using magic!?" That IS no fair!" You complained, to which Sans mused up your hair. "sorry shorty, but it is fair. you fell in my world where magic exists. you not being able to use magic isn't fair." You puffed your cheeks and jumped at Sans. He dodged though, ending with you plopping in the snow. He gave a Cheshire grin. "c'mooooon you can do better that that!" Sans encouraged. You picked yourself up. "Sans.." His grin faltered. "yeah bud?" You looked at him. "Do you think I can change the monsters minds about humans... at least some humans?" Sans shrugged. "i.. dunno. maybe." He replied uncertainly.


His interactions with the human were odd. Like they were close. The way he poked fun at her and tried to comfort her suggested that they were friends. It was a familiar sight, though instead of it being Asriel and his human, it was Gaster's son and THIS human. Gaster wanted to pull Sans away. There was only one way he saw this ending and that was in death. History would repeat itself and he wasn't going to let his eldest DIE. "If you think about it our story and the Prince's aren't much different." That stopped Gaster short. "our story? what do ya mean?" Sans asked the human. "Everyone has a story. It starts the day you are born and ends when you die. Prince Asriel and Chara's story started similar to ours, two boys who met by chance. Their story ended in their deaths. Our story started when we met by chance, the difference is ours is still going. Who knows when it will end or how." Sans looked at the human. "huh. i guess you're right. i won't let it end in death if i can help it, i promise!" Gaster tilted his head. It was a curious concept. Gaster stepped away and teleported home. He would let this play out for now and set up a room for the human girl since Sans seemed decently fond of the creature.


You smiled at Sans and tagged him. "You're it!" He gasped dramatically, making you giggle. "how dare you use my promise to your advantage! c'here ya shorty!!!" Sans chased after you and you screamed. "no mercy!!!"
"I need mercy though!" You didn't dare look behind you. "nope, you need tickles!" That made you run faster. "NO TICKLES!!!!!!" Sans grinned deviously. "i am the ultimate tickle monster, you should have treated my promise seriously, [Y/N]!"
"I was! I promise!" You cried and face planted in the snow. Sans, true to his word gave no mercy as his phalanges scribbled against your sides making you gasp and laugh and try and squirm away. "N-no! N-nohoho! M-mehererecyyyyyy! P-please!" But he refused. He kept going until you were about to pass out. "hey, hey you ok?" Mainly do to the fact that you couldn't breath. You gave a shaky nod as you gulped some much needed air. "sorry, guess i got carried away... just cause i don't need oxygen don't mean others don't as well. lesson learned.." You gave him a confused look. "Ox-i-gen..?" He nearly facepalmed himself. You WERE only five and not EVERYONE is born to a scientist. Created. Whatever. "uh right, oxygen is the scientific term for air." He replied dumbly. It was so much more than that, but he didn't know how to explain it in words she would understand. "let's get you back, eh? i gotta get going soon."
"Or... she could return home with us and you can tell me why you were hiding a human in the forest."

The Human Of SnowdinWhere stories live. Discover now