His snitching, Her dicthing

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I walked through the huge entrance of wellington high for the third time ,so much had happened in one day and I spent almost the whole night convincing mom to ship my car over ,once my mom was convinced my dad's decision was automated .I was excited that I would see my Lada again.I drew an hammer out to straighten out my locker door, "bang!!! bang!! Bang!!!" Echoed across the room as I began my work. I drew out a can of red paint out of my knapsack and sprayed it untill the color of the locker was leveled out , stepping back I admired my handy work with a full smile across my lips,spun on my heel and walked away as if no one else existed. I'm not a perfectionist I thought to myself ,just neat and orderly another thought followed. As I made my way to what most people call the evil subject,
( I consider it as a gift from heaven )my pride was swollen, scenes of humiliating Myers melodiously flowed through my head. I could hear miss Honeyrays voice echoing from inside and trust me she was as pleasant as her name though many failed to see because she was associated with math . I took a usual seat at the back after the regular solutation ,Anna was at the front but she didn't change her gaze  from miss Honeyray .The bell finally rang, This was the worst class I've ever had but it wasn't the math ,Anna is acting a bit strange today I thought to myself as I
packed up , I gonna talk to her I asked consulting my brain. I walked up slowly but she must have spotted me out of the side of her eye and walked away hastily before I could think of what to say . I walked in to lunchroom with my chin slightly down but a little hope remained and my eyes uncontrolably scanned around for her but she wasn't there .An apple and a bottle of water would be fine I said to canteen lady who was busy taking orders . Ok I'll just sit the same place as yesterday and maybe she'll come and join I thought to my self talking a bite out my apple. Around twenty minutes in lunchtime I was about to leave but just then Anna walked in, our eyes met but she looked away ,her face was blank with no expression as if she didn't know me . I sat in complete confusion , Damnit I excliamed banging my fist on the table my apple Rolled off the table but I didn't care. I was more concerned about the way females' brains work . Yesterday we almost kissed and even though we left on a good note, today she just "ingores" me . That word cutted deeper each time I thought
about it . I was jolted out of my thoughts when I felt something heavy on my shoulder , oh great my dream girl hates my and now Meyers is about to mess with me, could this get any worst, I thought as my emotional shell strated to crack open . Guessing why your girl ain't talking to you huh he said sporting a smile that showed his perfectly imperfect teeth . How'd you know I asked infuriated as I got up out of my seat to face him, calm down twerp romuors spread fast ,she must have heard about your little street racing ordeal but don't worry you won't last long he added. I opened my mouth to say something but Myers interupted, yes, as you expect I told her he said as he ran his hand through scruffy brown hair, a evilish smile curved on his lips, I opened my mouth once again but I was speechless, only the cold sweat spoke ,oh and remember to bring your Lada I wanna see it beat a Shelby he exclaimed loudy and a mixture curiosity and laughter enveloped the atmosphere. I managed to make it outside before my emotional shell cracked and boy when it rains it pours.

Hey Anna wait up I shouted as she was about to enter a black Subaru G4,  she spun around and rolled her eyes as she saw me . She gentle closed the door and walked a few feets away from the car ,I could tell that she  wasn't happy to see me but did it to please whoever was in that car , is it true she snapped before I could say anything, I thought about how I could beat around the bush but her presence shut off my mind ,yes I replied , her eyes squinted and she shook her head in confusion.Why she asked wrapped in a blanket of confusion.Call me, I'll tell you all about it I replied figuring out I wouldn't lose my  senses over the phone ,she gulped down some saliva, nodded then turned away. A sigh of frastration left me as I walked to the taxi stand,My thoughts drifted off. It felt as if I'd known her for a long time and how everything just flowed so naturally between us,I just can't lose her now I thought to myself.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2022 ⏰

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