!!Fiat's Hard Times!!

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(Fait's POV) 

So I was sitting in my room thinking why my parents are treating me like a child. Like I understand that I haven't been the  best son to them but I'm a teenager  I make a mistakes and I haven't made the right choices when it comes to dating but still they should understand how hard it is to be a teenager. I get that they love me and want to keep me safe I know they are parents but like they should know how teenagers are especially now a days dont get my wrong I do love my parents and I'm happy that they have me and my older brother Top. I'm trying my best but its still hard being a teenager all I wanna do is just have fun and figure out who I wanna be. I've noticed that ever since my brother left home my parents have been on my case and I  have no idea why though cause I know for a fact that I won't be doing the same thing Top did by not telling dad and father the truth. I do care about Napat and everything I just wanna take it slow with him cause I don't wanna make the same mistake twice I really wanna make this work with him I also wanna be happy for the first time since my break up with Ouajun. I'm just a human who keeps making mistakes but that's how we humans are we can make as many mistakes as we want but we learn from time to time. We are all the same but different at the same time some of us have different experiences or we can have the same experiences since we are humans we can have many obstacles and battles we have to face it whether we like it or not. I sometimes wanna take a break from being a human but that's not how it works as a teenager its hard to choose which path to take or which path is the right path to take some parents give their kids hard time with everything. My parents can be like that but not all the time like other parents  but at least my parents have some understanding  which is a good thing I guess I'm just grateful that I have parents who are some what strict.

(end of pov)

(Dinner Time)

Kit finished preparing the food so he told his husband to call their son  so Singto went upstairs to Fiat's room and knocked on the door "FIAT COME EAT ITS TIME FOR DINNER" Fait got up from his bed out of his room he went straight downstairs to the kitchen not even saying a word to his parents at all. During the dinner everyone was so quiet no one wanted to say anything about the events that accord earlier that day Fait just looked more scared  cause his parents aren't this quiet ever they usually start talking but this time it was different the tension was quite real. All three of them ate their in complete silent. This is the second  time no one has spoken will eating ever since Top left the house sand that was a long time ego. Dinner was finally over and everyone got up from their seats Fait went back to his room while his parents were in the living room  sitting on the couch looking for some thing to watch. Singto then looked at his husband very upset Kit looked back at him saying "What's Wrong"??  "Oh nothing babe I'm fine don't worry about it". Kit knows that Singto is not fine he can tell by look on his face. Kit  said "I wanna your worried about him so I' am I but we need to let him make mistakes I know that you don't want him to leave the house just like Top did but he is still a teenager and he with us right now as his parents we to support him whether we like or not". Fait heard everything they were saying  since he came back down to get something to drink Fait tried to sneak past them but his dad noticed " Fiat come seat with us lets have a talk" Kit said  Fiat just went to the kitchen got something to drink and came back to seat on the couch with his parents. Fiat sat there listening to his parents talk or rather pretending to be listening to his papa talking but  all Fiat wanted to do was  leave the room cause he didn't wanna hear it. Fiat tried leaving but everytime he does his dad Singto stops him and sets him down like he is a little kid. 

Fait went back to his room. Closed the door behind him laid in his bed when he gets a call from his cousin Win.

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