Fiat's First Time Meeting Napat's Parents

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Fiat's P.O.V 

So today is the day that I'm going to meet Napat's parents for the first time. Ever since me and Napat started dating which to me sounds terrible I also didn't want to pressure him either Napat is very good guy no one would be lucky to be with him. I have never met his parents so when Top's wedding came along he decided to tell me the real reason why he wouldn't let me meet his parents here what he told me  that day. I really didn't think he would say that so when he said that I was shocked to the core.


"Babe the reason why you haven't meet parents is because they're very traditional and when I came out they kicked me out. So I called the my aunt she told me that I was welcome to stat with her until I finished high school and university my aunt gave me a place to stay  when I needed it the most she was a better parent to me ever since I could remember I consider her my mom than own mom what does that tell you no matter what my bio mom says I will always choice my aunt regardless the situations, drama , problems etc.  

(End Of  Flashback)

When he told me that I felt bad for him. How can his parents kick him out like that without thinking about what happened if his aunt didn't take him in his aunt which is the most amazing person ever trust me. I meet her 5 months into out relationship. I sometimes don't understand why some parents are so traditional like come on get with the program people. I know that my parents were raised so differently but that mean that papa parent wouldn't kick him out just because of that just like  I know also mama's parents wouldn't be that mean to do that their own son leaving them in the streets and nowhere to go like what kind of person does that to some one let alone your own flashing blood. Anyway I'm just getting my things packed even though I know we aren't staying at his parents house I wanna get packed cause after that we are going to Mew's house for the weekend its been a long week for us. Also everyone is going to be there for the first time yes I know what I just said no one been to Mew's house just only the us children its not what yall think chill out it that Mew's house has a pool, theater,  and big back yard. So most of the time us children are usually there with our partners.  

(Later That Day)

A few hours later we arrive at Napat's parents house. The outside of the house looked so gorgeous I couldn't stop looking at the garden in the front of the house. Napat and I got out of the car which if you were wondering who was the driving it Napat I don't like driving for too long yes we took his car lol cause remember we are leaving after this meeting I hope we can leave lol. Anyways we both walk in the from the inside looked even better not going to lie everything is very detailed " hello mom" Napat said to a lady dressed like she going to a ball or a dance club "hello son who is this" she said.  "Mom I will tell you later  when I see everyone".  "Alright than lets go into the living everyone is waiting for you" a voice said out of nowhere I assumed it  was his dad  because the voice was little deep me and Napat followed the him into the living room where everyone is seating talking they got up to introduce themselves to me one by one. Napat " babe this is my older brother Ty, Second older brother Timmy and this my lil sister Sasha  and this is my mom and dad everyone this is Fiat my fiancé"  said to them. As soon as he said that his faces turned red like deep red and then said this to him " ARE YOU OUT OF GOD DAMN MIND"  I couldn't believe my hears I wanted to say something but I didn't know what to say his siblings didn't look shocked as me but nonetheless how in hell can his parents be so mean and disrespectful towards him in front of company.  "Time to eat lets go the dinning room" a voice said coming from the kitchen that scared the shit out of me as we followed the lady to the dining room table I can tell that his parents  didn't look to happy about the news unlike his siblings who were over the moon about the news I can tell that his brothers and sister loves him deeply even if his parents doesn't seem to like his sexual orientation. During the dinner this girl show up she looks so beautiful  I thought she was here for Napat's parents " who is that" I said looking at Napat who was looking at me his more confused than I was like seriously.  "Son the only reason why I called you is because we want you get married to her" his dad said everyone stopped eating.

 ( End Of P.O.V)

Napat grabbed Fiat's hand told "I'm going to marry her dad I don't love her and I already told you that I'm going to marry a man I don't care what you think about it lets go babe I don't be here any longer and we have to be at Mew's house at by 5:30pm remember" Napat said to Fiat.  Fiat got up from his seat followed his fiancé out the door or at least tried " STOP RIGHT THERE YOU'RE NOT GOING ANYWHERE"  his dad shouted from the dinning room but Natpat didn't listen he kept going along with Fiat. At this point they both finally reached the car Fiat got into the drivers seat and  Napat got into the passenger seat. Meanwhile Napat's are still yelling from outside but neither or them cared so off they went to Mew's house.

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