Fiat's Old Feelings

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Fiat's P.O.V. 

I never thought that I would ever see him again after so long I even told my parents and they were shooked to say the least my mama didn'couldn't believe me at first but Aun told him that is was true and for my papa  he did like him but when we broke up I went down a horrible path what I mean is that I never came home when I was supposed skipped school and did things I would never do since I  know my parents raised me better than that but I guess I didn't what they said or did to me all I wanted to do was whatever I pleased never knowing what bad things could happen to me or my friends. Frank would alsways be the one who comes along for the ride cause he and I were going through the same thing yes there was period of time where Frank and Drake broke up but there is one difference between me and  Frank' relationships. First me and Oujuan were together for like 2 years  but Frank and Drake  were together at that time 5 months so here where is went wrong for me Oujuan didn't tell his parents about us the first time I wasnt to Oujuan's parents house he introduced me as his friend not as his boyfriend which at first I was like oh maybe he his scared to tell his parents about us this was like 1 year into the relationship but by the 2 second year I amused that he told his parents but I was wrong. His parents had this girl over thier  house with the girl's parents don't get me wrong she was pretty but like when his mom said " hi son this is Arialla your new fiance" I was shooked to the core he never mentioned me to his  parents at all his dad followed it up by saying " I know you're still single me and your mom thinks that it is time for you to settle down Oujuan and I looked at each other speechless. I didn't think he would say anthing to his parents about us to my shock he said " are you guys insane or something?? I haven't you told you both that I'm gay and  that I'm not getting married right now" I never expected him to say that at all but I was happy that he did his parents were not happy with him after that the girl Abby left with her parents right after that I guess she didn't want him either she was kinda happy but sad at the same time. 

The fact the I'm getting married to someone I never thought I'd get married too I'm not being mean tho I'm juat saying that Aun and I didn't really each other at first but after everything I want through he was there to support me and helped me through it all but I can't but to wonder what would it be like if me and Oujuan never would've broke up would we get married?? like when me and Oujuan broke up I went down the wrong path I didn't eat,went out of my room, I even skipped school soooooo many times with Frank. You mean be wondering why me and Frank have this great friendship? I will explain that later right now I need you all to understand I never thought this would happen to me ever and now that I'm getting married this is happen?? like what did I do to deserve this?? I have so many questions in my head that I have now idea what to do right now and if I tell any one they might call me crazy or something like that. So Frank and I are close too close to be honest sometimes people thought we were dating since were always together even Oujuan and Drake thought the same thing. Frank and Drake has had the most toxic relationship I have ever seen I think that why Uncle Tay was like towards him so now let me explain Drake and Frank were always breaking up like its was crazy Drake thought Frank was cheating on him since there was a rumor at school about that Frank never comfirmed it at all you know how people talk especially teenagers. I remember when Frank came crying to me saying that Drake and him broke up again I honestly didn't have  anything else to him I was thinking to myself here we go again I felt like I was watching reruns or like a never ending episode I was really exhuasted by that point I watch I could help him but I didn't know how help him I had problems of my own.  Like really he would always comes to house to avoid his own parents even uncle Tay had enough of Frank's tears  that one time  Frank brought Drake to his house since there were studying for something.  I can't imagine how Frank felt when Tay did that but at the same time  I know how Frank felt tho cause it happend me but in a different way. My parents caught me and Oujuan making out this was before they found out about me and Oujuan dating my papa Singto got really upset with me but on the hand mama Krist didn't really say much he knew that since I was a teenager at the time my rebellous stage started. But anyway seeing Oujuan again is very overwhelming and I think Aun is feeling some kinda way I do love him very much he was there for me when I needed someone to make me feel better like I said  before I never thought this would happen. 

(End of P.O.V)


Aun P.O.V

I was making my way to the bedroom where I saw Fiat just laying there he looks like he has been crying again ever since he saw Oujuan his ex weeks ego he hasn't been the same like I get it I would be doing the same thing if it was me I just feel bad cause he has told me so many good memories that they both had together. I'm glad he is with me I have thought me and would ever be together let alone getting married like this is so surreal for me I same times question myself because Oujuan seems a better fit. But anyway lay next to him and I asked him " hey babe are you okey"?? Fiat answered me " I just need some cuddles right now I want too let you know that I do love you so much and nothing is going to change that you don't need to worry about me and him having an affair cause thats not going to happen ever since you came into my life I'm doing alot better and I've stopped doing horrible things cause of you I've always came home  on time, and also stopped skipping school, getting into fights."  Which to my shook he responded with tears falling from his eyes I have never seen him cry before I guess he has felt so bad cause of me and he worried about me thinking that him and Oujuan would get back together which he has a point I'm happy he answered my question I'm not worried anymore like I was he also resurred me that he loves me NO MATTER what. He also said that I'm going to his parents house.  I like his family and everyone I'm starting to think its time for Fiat too meet my parents yes I know what I just said Fiat has never met my parents not because they wouldn't support me but rather that they travel all the time I usually don't see them very often either. I don't know why but everytime I talk about my family I end up feeling sad even seeing Fiat's family memebers makes feel even sadder than normal Fiat knows about my family and how crazy they can get since they travel all the time its like we can't do anything that families do.  

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