Chapter 1 - Fess up

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"Hey mommy who's that?" I said pointing to a boy my age. "He's our new neighbor". She said as she watered the plants on our lawn. "What's his name?" I asked happily while thinking about all the fun games we could play. "I don't know sweetie, but if you want you can go and ask him." She said warmly. Okay,I'll ask his name! I said to my mom. Hello! I yelled as I ran to the boy. "Um hi. "He said shyly. "What's your name?" I asked happily. "I'm Jeremiah." He said softly. " I'm Scarlett." I said cheerfully.

____________________________________________________________________________________________Ten years later-

"Scarlett? Scarlett!" I heard a familiar voice say. "Earth to Scarlett?" My best friend Emily said. "Yeah?" I said still sleepy. "School's over you know." She said while combing her long blond curls which framed her perfect face. "You thought of him didn't you?" She said while widening her chocolate colored eyes. "Of course not! Who would've think of Jeremiah!" I said in total denial. I would be lying if I wasn't thinking of him though. He had messy brown hair and beautiful blue eyes which made any girl my age drool for him. He's the quarterback and he's smart. Although I place the first in our year he seems much better than me. "Well? Fess up Scar. Both of us know you have a crush on him." She said slyly. "Okay I fess up I have a crush on him. Actually for years already." I said feeling embarrassed. "I'll help you then." She said happily. "Help me where?" I asked. Help you confess to Jeremiah of course."What do you mean confess?" I said in dismay. "As in tell him that you like him." She said cheerfully. "No! I can't possible do that! It's too embarrassing." I said. "You don't have to tell him you know." She said. "You can always write letters!"


I'm sorry for the crappy grammar.

thanks for reading this.


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Chapter 2 will be published tomorrow

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