Chapter 4: Last Hope

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Taehyung's POV

After five days, Hana calls Hoseok hyung and informs him that Namjoon hyung and I have a fight scheduled for tonight.

"Are you nervous?" Namjoon hyung asks me as Hoseok hyung drives us to the arena.

"I know that I shouldn't be. I know that Jungkook won't be there, but I am still nervous." I sigh and look out of the window at the passing city.

"Let's kick ass and save Jungkook. Let's end our days of mourning." Namjoon hyung tells me as he squeezes my shoulder then we put our black face masks on.

When we pull up to the arena made of warehouses, a guard stops us then checks our invitations. Once he's sure that we can enter, he shows us to a parking spot. As we walk in, a man with a crooked grin walks over to us.

"You must be J's group! Which one of you is V?" He asks as he looks at the three of us.

I raise my hand, but keep my face covered with a mask and hood.

"Good. Hana told me that you would all wear masks. I am excited to see what all of the gossip is about." He smirks as he looks at me. "Well, I hope that you won't be disappointed by the money you make here. Follow me."

We quietly follow him and look around the arena. As we follow him, I see cages with people chained up inside of them. I want to cry because I know that Jungkook is in a cage and chained up like an animal.

"Do you want to see who you will be fighting?" He asks when he sees me looking at the cages. 

I nod and start walking towards the cages. As I walk past them, I feel like crying when I see their starved and injured state.

"I hope that who my fighters will be fighting won't be this weak." Hoseok hyung feigns a cold heart.

"Don't worry. V's ranking in the arena is phenomenal and money making. I am sure that RM is also a good fighter for you to recommend him. They will start out fighting some of my best. I am hoping that within a few fights, they will fight my absolute best. I have one that fights like an animal. I am sure that V will enjoy that fight. As you know, they will be placed in different groups. They will both fight one person from their group at a time. When they beat one of mine, they fight the next one. Both will have five fights tonight." He explains as we walk up to some of his healthier looking fighters.

"These are the ten for you two tonight. The five to the right will fight V while the five to the left will fight RM." He explains as he points to the two sides.

Once we finish observing the men we will fight, we go to the back and wait. None of us say anything because we know that there are people listening. I wish that I could tell the victims in the cages that they will be freed soon.

"V! RM! You are up!" A man tells us when he walks into the room.

We get up and follow him to the arena. When we walk out, the arena erupts into deafening screams and cheers. I feel like vomiting. They are cheering for fighters to beat slaves to the brink of death.

"V is first."

I sigh then walk into the ring. I feel my chest become heavy as I look at my opponent who has a shackle around his neck. Unlike the people that I fought in the past who fought for money by their own decision, I will not beat these victims as badly. I will knock them out and walk away.

When the bell rings, I instantly jump and kick. He falls to his knees without a struggle. I make sure that he is completely out then walk off of the arena.

"Good job." Hoseok hyung smiles and pats my shoulder.

"RM! You are next!"

I watch as Namjoon hyung knocks his opponent down with two swings. The rest of our fights end just as quickly as our first. The crowd screams as Namjoon hyung and I leave the arena undefeated.

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