Chapter 42: In the Light

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Author's POV

"Another one of the monsters you killed is in the news." Hyojo tells Taehyung as she bounces her newborn daughter in her arms.

"Is the theory about us the same?" Taehyung asks and walks into the living room with Jungkook trailing behind like a love sick puppy.

"You two need to have sex. Jungkook looks pathetic." Hyojo laughs as she looks at the man behind Taehyung.

"We had sex last night. This puppy just wants to cuddle more." Taehyung giggles and snuggles his fiance.

"Cute. So, the theory is still stuck on a crazy vigilante, but they now think there is more than one person involved." Hyojo explains and looks back at the tv.

"There are clearly several killers by the way that the monsters' bodies are beaten in different ways. It's common sense, but the other police precincts won't listen to me." Yoongi sighs as he happily takes little Danbi from Hyojo.

"You are obsessed with the baby." Jimin smiles and watches as Yoongi lovingly snuggles Danbi.

"Of course I am. She is so pretty." Yoongi smiles and lovingly places a sweet kiss on the newborn's cheek.

"You never let me hold her." Hoseok fusses as he walks into the living room and sees Yoongi holding the sweet baby.

"It's not my fault that you arrive here later in the day. You should wake up earlier if you want to beat me here." Yoongi laughs and gently rocks the happy baby.

"Min Yoongi waking up early in the morning still boggles my mind." Jin laughs and sits next to Yoongi.

"He wakes up early for sex." Jimin snickers while Yoongi's face turns beat red.

"I don't think we should be discussing adult activities in front of Danbi!" Hoseok shrieks and carefully takes Danbi from Yoongi.

"It's not like she knows what we're saying." Jin chuckles and watches as Hoseok runs away with the baby.

"She is going to end up being so spoiled." Hyojo happily smiles as she watches them fight over who loves Danbi the most.

"Tae, you have a meeting with the executive board today." Eunwoo reminds Taehyung while Hoseok possessively holds Danbi.

"Oh right. I'll get ready for it. Hobi hyung, give Danbi back to Yoongi hyung. You are my secretary. You have to be at the meeting." Taehyung snickers as Hoseok whines and slowly gives Danbi back to a very happy Yoongi.

As Taehyung and Jungkook prepare for the meeting, Taehyung looks through the different eye patches to find one that matches the suit he will wear. Jungkook bought Taehyung different patches in different colors made of different fabrics. He doesn't want Taehyung to feel like he is any different from before. He wants Taehyung to not mind being blind in one eye.

"Should I wear the blue one?" Taehyung asks and picks up a beautiful blue patch that matches his tie.

"That one is perfect." Jungkook smiles and helps Taehyung put the patch on.

"Taehyung is looking as gorgeous as ever!" Jin cheers when Taehyung and Jungkook walk out of their room.

"That is a stunning blue." Namjoon nods in agreement as Taehyung smiles brightly.

When they arrive at the company, CEO Park Seojoon is waiting for them. He smiles and bows as Taehyung gets out of the car.

"Hyung, how has business been?" Taehyung asks as he walks over to the CEO.

"It has been smooth; however, President Han has been bribing politicians. I have evidence right here." He explains and hands the file to Taehyung.

"I am guessing your excellent secretary pulled this together." Taehyung smiles at the pretty woman by his CEO's side.

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