Chapter 26: In His Arms

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Hyunjin's POV

As Hyung and I lie in bed, I hear him fall asleep with me wrapped in his arms, so I roll over and look at his peaceful face. I wonder what it would be like to kiss his lips. They seem so soft.

"If you want to kiss me, kiss me." Hyung mumbles and opens his eyes which causes me to squeak in surprise.

"I didn't say anything!" I squeal and try to escape his arms.

"You didn't have to." He grins and reaches up and brushes my hair out of my face.

"H-How did you know?" I mumble and hide my face in my hands.

"Because I have the same thoughts when I watch you sleep." He whispers and leans towards me.

I freeze the moment his warm lips gently press against mine. He patiently waits for me to register what is happening. When my brain finally unfreezes, I nervously move my lips against his which brings a smile to his face.

"Cute." Hyung smiles when he pulls away then gently rubs my back.

My mind is racing at a hundred miles an hour, so I quickly pull him to me and kiss him again. He softly hums and presses his hand on my lower back then licks my lips for me to open them. When I open my mouth, he sweetly licks the top of my mouth.

After a few seconds, I shyly pull away and cover my face in embarrassment. You'd think that after dating my ex for several years that I would be a better kisser by now. But I still suck.

"What's wrong?" Hyung softly asks and pulls my hands away from my face.

"I'm a terrible kisser." I mutter and refuse to look him in the eye.

"You're actually not. You're just shy." He smiles and kisses my forehead.

"I am shy." I grin and finally look up at him.

"There, that's better." Hyung smiles and kisses the tip of my nose.

I can't help but giggle at his sweet gestures. He never fails to bury me in his sweet words and gestures.

"Will your girlfriend be upset?" I ask and play with his shirt.

"No. We agreed that we are only together because of our parents. My parents made me date her to hide what had happened to me in the past." He mumbles towards the end and gently brushes his thumb over my lips.

"Did you know that when I was kissed the first time, I was shocked that it was wet?" I ask and laugh to try to get his mind off of what had happened to him. I don't know the details, but from his scars, I know that what happened to him was horrible.

"Really?" He grins and pecks my lips.

"Really." I smile and pull him into another kiss.

Hyung happily laughs into the kiss then intertwines our legs. I absolutely love being this close to Hyung. I wonder why I even dated my ex in the first place. Was it because he was the first guy to make a move? Was it because he was my first time for everything?

"What is my Hyunie thinking about, hm?" Hyung softly asks and brushes his thumb over my cheek.

"Do you ever wonder why you did something?" I ask and move my head to be laying on his arm.

"Definitely. What is it that you're wondering about?" He asks and bends the arm that is under my head and begins playing with my hair.

"I was wondering why I gave all of my firsts to him." I mumble and looks into Hyung's tender gaze.

"He probably made you feel special at first, like you were the only one he was looking at. That probably made your heart flutter like never before. Then after he took your firsts, he made you realize that wasn't the truth, but because he took your firsts, you felt like you couldn't leave." He softly answers then gently wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me close.

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