Nothing But Darknes

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The girl woke with a dazed start, sitting up right as she gasped for air. She couldn't remember what had just happened, but she knew it had been bad. She looked around the bright, misty scenery, her eyes locking on something very out of place. A body. Her blood ran cold as ice- but wait? Wasn't that her on the ground? She froze as she remember what had happened. The crash, a large pickup truck t-boning her little convertible, flying through the air, the loud cracking sounds as her fragile body slammed against the pavement before everything went black.

No- no! This couldn't be happening, not to her! She saw someone jump from the pickup truck and run over to her body to see if she was alive. The man yelled to someone still in the truck to call 911. She watched him, still in shock, her mind beginning to wander as She got up and slowly walk over. She stood opposite of the man that kneeled beside the bloodied and broken body that was once her. How could this have happened? Why?

The girl suddenly felt a warmth behind her. She turned to see what it was but froze as she spot a bright light, beckoning her towards its warmth. "No, No! I am not dead! I will not go!" She screamed at it, although it couldn't hear her, nor could any of the living. She turned back to her body as everything faded back into darkness...

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