Chapter 3

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Ghost's POV:

I had always felt iffy about my brothers liking guys. I'm not sure what it was about them. Maybe it was the fact that guys don't just rape women and that they rape guys too. Not everyone's gay stupid! I mentally smacked myself for that and looked towards my three brothers hugging a distressed MC. I gotta get outta here. I gotta buy groceries and pay this month's rent...ugh... I left the house and took my gun with me. Little did I know someone was watching me.

    I adjusted my beanie and my mask, looking straight ahead. Okay so I believe I need bread, butter, milk, eggs, honey, peanut butter... I stiffened, feeling the leaves rustle behind me. I quickly took out my gun, turning around and prepared myself for what came out.

    A squirrel all of the sudden shot across my path and I quickly shot it out of instinct. Great...I killed a fucking animal. The others don't need to know about this. I picked up the squirrel and dug a hole, burying it.

    All the sudden I was pinned to the ground by a turtle with the name of Raphael. He smirked at me. "How do you like being pinned to the ground mute punk?"

    I growled at the nickname and kicked upwards, trying to aim at his stomach.

    Raph grabbed my leg. "I don't think so." He punched me hard in the "nose". "So mind telling me why the hell one of ya'll keeps sneaking out?"

    I felt blood trickle down my "nose" from the punch and quickly wiped it. Mind telling me why the hell you're stalking us?! I wanted to say the words aloud but I felt an invisible hand cover my mouth, my words going unspoken.

    "Oh right, you can't talk mister 'I don't have a voice'," Raph mocked in my ear.

    I hissed and slapped him hard in the face, my eyes narrowing.

    "So that's how you want it to be eh?" Raph stood up and drew out his sais. "Bring it!"

    I stood up, wiping the blood and took out a wooden staff I carried around.

    "Oh great, another nerd." Raph growled. "I hate nerds. And you'll be the first I get to pound!"

    Pound? Oh, hit. Not pound me in the ass. I stiffened when the thought entered my mind and missed it when he stabbed me in the arm with his sai.

    "Loser, go cry to your stupid brothers." Raph snickered and stabbed me in the other arm. I looked at the blood and quickly headbutted Raph out of instinct. Goes to show I should train...more...with weapons instead of guns...I started to feel dizzy. I felt the other drag me by the mask and shake me until I lost consciousness.


    I finally woke up a couple hours later. I felt an aching pain in my head and quickly put a hand on it. I sniffed the air and realized it smelled foul. The sewers? Oh no... I hugged my knees close to me and felt my eyes adjust to the darkness, soon realizing I was in a cage. I fished in my pocket for my phone and pulled it out, beginning to text my brothers about what happened.

    Rebel as expected was the first to reply with a "are you fucking kidding me right now Ghost?! You!? CAPTURED?!"

    I sighed, explaining to him once more what happened only to get another text in caps. I put my phone away as I felt the presence of another turtle.

    "What do you call this hm?~" Raph smirked at me and held up my pistol. I hissed at him and he shook it in my face. I tried to grab at it but he pulled off my beanie instead then shoved me by the face backwards.

    "Oh right, you don't talk." Raph rolled his eyes. "Pity, what a nice hat. I guess I'll just burn it in the fireplace." He lit a fire in the fireplace and brought my beanie close to it.

    I closed my eyes tight, knowing I had to say something. I had to reveal the awful voice I had that I've been keeping to myself for so long. "...N-no! S-stop!" I gasped in a hope that he'd stop.

    "And why should I?" Raph asked, smirking at me as he held my beanie above the fire. He honestly looked surprised I said something.

    "My...father gave it to me..." I said softly.

    "Your what? Sorry! Can't hear ya!" Raph dropped my beanie into the fire. I watched it burn with a sick feeling in my stomach.

    I should never have gone soft! I should've never left! I felt like exploding.

    "Next time it'll be that lil mask of yours." Raph snickered. "Now be a good prisoner and cry." He left the room and flicked on the lights.

    I covered my eyes, trying to get used to the new lighting in the room.

    Raph came back over to me and smirked. "Look at me prisoner."

    I looked at him with hatred in my eyes, again keeping quiet.

    "I got your 'gun' so you better behave. Unless you want that destroyed too." Raph calmly left and I was left to simply stare at his back. I felt my gaze get glued to it even though I was terrified. I knew it was wrong but I couldn't help but stare until he was gone.

    I heard another turtle go up to me. "Don't get too turned on. You get zero privacy. I'm watching your back and front at all times." Mikey snickered.

    I put a hand over my front and gave him a weird look. Now that's pervy-

    Leo came over. "His brothers will find him sooner or later.

    Raph came back, Donnie at his side.

    "Good, because I want little purple boi to suffer some more." Raph looked at Donnie. "Lock all the doors. I'm going in."

    Donnie nodded and locked all the doors in the lair, making sure I couldn't escape. Afterwards Raph opened the cage door and grabbed me by the chin. "So tell me." He shook me up and down fast. "Are you not a fan of talking or are you just shy?"

    I refused to answer any and tried to turn my head away but he was gazing into my eyes. I gazed back into his and for a moment he seemed to get closer. I stood still, secretly terrified of what was gonna happen.

    Raph slowly closed the gap between us and kissed me. I hmphed in response and kissed him back, allowing my arms to travel around his neck.

    While we were kissing I didn't notice Mikey untying my mask, I melted into the kiss more and snaked my legs around Raph's waist.

    Raph was obviously disgusted by this and pushed me away. "Gay ass freak!" He narrowed his eyes at me, us both panting.

    I felt around my eyes and felt my mask was missing.

    "You really liked that huh?" Raph smirked. I looked away and hid my face, blushing hard.

    "He liked it." Mikey confirmed.

    I sighed, my heart breaking into pieces. Please come soon bros....please....

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