Devil's tale, Chapter 3

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It was the loud swearing of Jazz that roused Avarice from his sleep. The first thing after the sound of Jazz's profane ranting, that Avarice noticed, was that his entire body ached from his horns to his tail. His right horn felt particularly painful, and he was pretty sure it had been cracked in the battle, though it felt like it was at least still in one piece. He lay on a makeshift bed on the floor of the church, his vision and hearing were both blurry and unfocused, but he could make out the vague images and sounds of several people in white, conversing near the altar. Next to him, there was another bed with a vague, green shape on it which Avarice assumed to be Jazz. While Avarice's senses slowly sharpened, he began to recognise two of the voices speaking by the altar, despite Jazz's constant swearing and cursing next to him. He heard Emily and to both his excitement and concern, Robert.

"-We should at least make sure to get him some tea when he wakes up." Robert said.

"For the goblin too, right? I mean, he fought the statue before Avarice did."

"I read your report, Emily. Yes, though I think the goblin would prefer some coffee."

"The goblin would prefer a stiff drink and a grashnivkoll!" Jazz shouted. That last word translated as a rather profane act that Avarice really didn't want to imagine Jazz receiving.

"Is that some sort of alcohol?" Emily asked innocently.

"No but there'll be plenty of swallowin' going on!" Jazz shot back.

"Be silent, bandit. It was this girl who saved your life and healed your wounds." Robert said.

"Oh yeah! You healed my wounds. Because I can definitely feel my arm right now, I'm obviously completely better!" Jazz said, gesturing to his right arm, which hung in a sling and was coloured a gross, dark purple instead of the normal green.

"I'm really sorry. There was nothing more I could do." Emily said, her voice sincere.

"A fat lot of good that does me." Jazz murmured, slumping back in his bed.

"What'll happen to us?" Avarice asked.

"You're awake?!" Rob sprinted over to the devil and knelt by his bed. "Thank Leto that you're alright! I heard of what happened. It's shameful that the guard did nothing for so long. And you've met Emily, I see." The watchman said excitedly.

"We're acquainted." Avarice replied.

"Excellent. As for what will happen to you. I first want to say that your actions here will give you a significant advantage when we return home. We can use your heroism to show that-"

"What's going to happen to him?" Avarice gestured over to Jazz.

"He'll be left for the town guard to sort out, he's outside of our jurisdiction." Robert answered.

"You can't be serious! They'll lock him up for life, if not worse!" Avarice shouted, surprising even himself.

"Calm down, my boy. The law is the law, and if the capital-guard starts interfering in other cities like this, it would set a bad example. I taught you as much. Plus, the goblin is a hero. I'm certain that the town will recognise that." Robert said.

Avarice created a half and hour's worth of calm, logical counterarguments in his head, but what came out of his mouth was. "What world do you live in?!" Robert recoiled, clearly shocked. "Excuse me?" He asked.

"You heard me." Avarice sighed. "But there's no point in arguing now." He lay back down, wincing as his body ached with every muscle that moved.

"You need help?" Emily asked, rushing over to Avarice, holding a small staff with the symbol of Leto at the end of it.

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