Devil's tale chapter 28

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"Wait sir, please, you must listen!"

"I shall hear none of it. Where is the outsider?!"

"He has not fully recovered yet and neither has his friend, you must be patient."

"I shan't be patient with the man who did that to this village."

Avarice awoke to two unfamiliar voices arguing. His head hurt like hell and his throat felt like it had been massaged with sandpaper. He remembered the storm and what had transpired and he shot up, wide awake.

"Is everyone okay?!" He asked. He looked around. He was in a small, empty room. He lay on a comfortable, albeit slightly cramped bed. He heard the rustling and clanking of armour approaching from beyond the door and he began to panic.

Into the minstrels room marched a tall, tanned man in ornate yet still practical, platemail armour. The man had a stern expression and piercing blue eyes. At his hip was a wicked-looking scimitar and on his back there was a round, light shield.

"I swear I didn't do it, officer!" Avarice cried instinctively.

"Oh? Are you saying you aren't the one who placed this centuries-old town on a hill?" The man asked sternly.

"I... you know? How many witnesses have you spoken to, sir?" Avarice asked hesitantly.

"Enough to know you'd be lying if you denied it."

"Hugh. Very well. It was me. I'm terribly sorry that I-" Avarice began.

The man didn't wait for Avarice to finish. He fell down on one knee and bowed his head in a gesture so surprising, Avarice rubbed his eyes to make sure he was seeing this correctly.

"Thank you, for saving this village. You have done a great service to the kingdom of Anoria. Because of your efforts, and the efforts of those who aided you, not a single life was lost."

Avarice felt himself blush and he nervously fiddled with his hair. "Sir, you give me too much credit. I passed out hours before the storm subsided."

"Yet still, your single spell saved the town from certain doom and carved the way for the rest of your friends to do their part. Please, you must stand and come meet my men and my lord to receive your due thanks." The soldier said.

"Um, please answer my question first. There'd have been a goblin and a girl in a white cloak near the centre of the incident. Are they alright?" Avarice asked.

"Yes, though the girl is still asleep. It seems she called upon so much divine power her mortal body could barely hold itself together. She is in a stable condition now, thanks to this village's wizard administering the proper treatment." The soldier answered.

"Oh thank the gods!" Avarice sighed as he got out of bed.

The soldier stood up and lead Avarice out into a hallway where Sha'li was leaning against a wall.

"I'm sorry Avarice, I tried to stop him but he insisted-"

"Are you alright?" Avarice cut her off.

"Yes, I am."

"Come along now, we've much to discuss." The soldier urged, practically dragging Avarice through the hallway. The two entered a large room where the walls were adorned with windows and billowing, thin curtains. Sitting on an ornate carpet on the floor, was a man dressed in white and purple, wearing a turban. The man was surrounded by around five other guards, all in the same kind of armour as the one who had escorted Avarice.

"Please, sit." The man said calmly.

Avarice obeyed and sat down.

"You completely changed the foundations of this town and saved it from doom. What have you to say of this?" The man asked.

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