3. Floor: 15

97 11 0


I look over curiously at the woman who has done nothing but scowl since I've entered the elevator. Having worked at Maywin Co. for several years now, I pride myself on personally knowing everyone who works here. She doesn't look familiar, however. A new employee maybe? A client? I definitely wouldn't forget someone who looked like her if we had already met. 

Small and slender, with milky skin softly illuminated by the dim elevator lighting. Shiny brown hair, eyes shadowed by dark fluttery lashes, pert nose, and pink lips she keeps pursed in a tight pout as she scrolls through something on her phone.

She's pretty, but in an elevator surrounded by colleagues is absolutely not the place to hit on someone. I wish I knew where she was headed, but I didn't get a chance to see which button she had pressed.

I watch as she brushes her long hair over her shoulder, exposing a small visitor pass clipped to her blouse. I slightly raise an eyebrow. It's been ages since I've seen someone with one of those visitor badges.

We used to have tons of people coming in and out of the office everyday. Kids would come here on field trips to look at the old printing devices in our makeshift mini-museum, there was a bookstore on the main floor, and we even held tours. But ever since the incident a couple years back, Kayla decided she had no other option as CEO but to tighten the reins. The printing devices were moved into storage, the bookstore was closed, and every floor now has at least one security officer. I definitely miss the charm and character this building used to have, but there's usually no reasoning with Kayla once she's made up her mind.

I feel my phone vibrate. Without needing to check, I already know who it is. I've been dreading her text since I got to the office slightly late this morning.

Ashley: You're late.

Will: Stall for me, please?

Ashley: Fine, but you owe me.

Will: Haha, don't worry, drinks are on me tonight.

Punctuality has never been my forte, but I've always been able to talk my way out of things – almost always, at least. Even after all these years, Ashley has always been annoyingly immune to my charm.

Ashley: Yeah, yeah whatever.

I put my phone away and redirect my attention back to Jennie. She takes out her iPad and opens up my calendar. "Shall I go over this week's schedule, Will?" Jennie whispers and gives me a bright grin.

I'll never understand how Jennie manages to be so cheerful in the morning, and on a Monday no less. Barely being twenty two years old probably helps, but she's still a lifesaver nonetheless. On top of being the best assistant I've ever had, I can always count on her for a boost of serotonin. She's basically a ball of sunshine and her cheerfulness is contagious. You bet her holiday bonuses are massive.

I nod as she pulls up this week's schedule. "Sure, go for it."

Jennie begins running me through each day. The elevator ride up all the way up to my office is so drawn-out that we pretty much have time for full meetings.

For the most part, my days consist of meeting after meeting with some paperwork sprinkled in here and there. It's not the most exciting job out there, but I'm happy here and it pays the bills. Fortunately, I get to fly to Europe later this week to have some top secret meetings with a couple of big authors.

My nights aren't too drastically different. Just think of me as the world's most uninteresting werewolf. Once I've headed home and snapped myself out of Maywin Co. mode, I switch my headspace and begin focusing on my second job at Enna Entertainment. Being the founder and co-president of the biggest video game development company in the country tends to keep me quite busy. I spend most of the evening in additional meetings, though I still get to work on some pretty cool projects, if I do say so myself.

What I wouldn't do to be able to return to Enna Entertainment full time, but family has to come first.

That's what I've been told, at least.

"Thanks Jennie," I say once she's finished debriefing me.

I hear my email notification tone go off in my pocket. I chuckle when I check my inbox. Ashley forwarded all of the emails she had already sent to me last week about this week's project. I presume it's her passive aggressive way of reminding me through spam that I'm late for it.

It's a rare opportunity to do something different for once. Granted, it's not as important or cool as some of the things Kayla gets to do, but I'm just glad that I even get to be involved.

I quickly forward the emails to Jennie. Just as I'm about to ask her to slot in the meetings, I realize she's already rearranging my schedule to fit everything in.

I rub the back of my neck and give her an appreciative smile when she notices me looking at her. "What would I do without your help?"

"Not much, apparently," she giggles.

The mystery woman answers her phone again. I do my best to be polite and not listen in on her conversation, but there's only so much I can do when I'm standing right next to her.

The poor person she's speaking to is being ripped a new one. Her whispers and hisses are quiet but angry. I can practically feel the heat fuming off of her. She's telling them to stop neglecting Lola. Something about the neighbors calling social services the last time she dropped off Lola at their place.

The doors open on floor fifteen. Only a mere fifty seven more floors until I reach mine. 

Amidst the wave of people entering and exiting, I spot Raymond. He casually strolls into the elevator last, quietly whistling. He grins when he spots me, shuffling himself into the narrow space between Mabel and I.

Mabel simply rolls her eyes and moves over to make space for him. The two of them have butted heads since the very first day they met – we do our best to try and keep them away from each other.

"Morning Will," he greets me before immediately taking out his phone and beginning to type.

I get a text from... Raymond?

Raymond: Who's the girl on the side? The cute one with brown hair.

Will: No idea, she's wearing a visitor badge.

I roll my eyes as I look up and see him not-so-subtly checking her out. She seems completely oblivious to it, though. I don't know what she's looking at on her phone, but whatever it is, it's making her angry. I elbow Raymond's side and give him a warning frown. He just shrugs and gives me a sheepish smile.

I clear my throat and put my phone back in my pocket. Hopefully he realizes I'm signaling for him to stop. I'd prefer to avoid some sort of lawsuit for harassment.

It takes me a moment to figure out what seems off about him today. "You're looking presentable for once," I tease.

His hair is styled, his shirt is tucked in with a tie and work-appropriate belt, and his beige pants are wrinkle free. The last time he looked like this was at his interview last year. I was sure to remind him that by getting him an interview, I was putting my reputation on the line. 

Who would've known that my best friend who solely wore band t-shirts and ripped jeans throughout university would end up being able to blend in with the people here?

"I'll take that as a compliment," he snorts. "I'm up for a promotion today!"

"That's great, congratulations." I beam and give him a hard pat on the back.

He takes out his phone and texts me again.

Raymond: Help me find out who she is.

Will: No. She's probably just a client or something.

Raymond: Scale of 1-10, how inappropriate would it be to ask her out?

Will: 11. You're at work you idiot.

The doors open a couple of floors later and Raymond steps out. "Bye Will, we can talk about that... client later," he calls and gives me a wink.


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