ONE―Disruptive Storm.

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"Emery." A voice echoed throughout the darkness. The raven-haired girl shivered, squeezing her eyes shut. "Sweet, sweet Emery."

"No." She whispered, hands clutched over her ears, not daring to open her eyes, knowing what was awaiting her. "Stop. You're not real. I know, you're not real."

"Am I not, Em?" It responded, breath tickling her neck, but the only thing she felt was a convulsing chill as their hands pulled her own away from her earlobes. "You would know after all."

"You died." Her voice was quiet, but echoed throughout the darkness. A sharp inhale before a loud cackle filled the deafening silence.

"And it's all your fault, Em." It taunted.

Her eyes shot open, flashing gold. She spun around, jabbing a finger at the chest of the figure. Her voice grew louder with each word: "Not mine! I tried! I tried everything to save you!"

Emery stopped, breath hitching, gold eyes reverting back to their natural state as she stared into the familiar blues. He stood there, back straightened, clad in armour, sword by his side, and the perfect blonde locks that Emery remembered showing him how to keep properly—goddess knows he could never do it himself. The only difference was the malicious expression on his face, instead of the warm look Emery admired in the man she once knew. His eyes were cruel, vicious, and hungry, as if a hunter had finally cornered his prey.

Her voice became solemn once again: "But it was never enough."

His lips curled while he relished in her pained expression. He rocked forward, murmuring into her left ear. "And whose fault is that?"

Her knees buckled, a choked sob leaving her lips when she hit the ground, curling into herself while her hands tugged into her scalp. Unbeknownst to the girl, her eyes flashed gold once more, the winds in the Crescent City picked up, streetlamps flashed continuously, the ground rumbling all while furrowed brows were expressed on the faces of vampires, humans, witches and the wolves around the city.



"Third time in here this week," A witch by the name of Jane-Anne commented, staring at the raven-haired beauty who looked up, sending the witch the barest of smiles before placing another spoonful of gumbo into her mouth. The sorceress sank into her seat, images of her previous night as well as the demolished hotel room haunting her thoughts.

How does one even begin to explain that to room service, she muses, mentally making a note of the extremely generous tip she'll be leaving.

"I'm obsessed with the gumbo, Jane-Anne," Hayley Marshall interrupted, gazing at the girl beside her. The wolf and sorceress had met in the same bar, midday after a wild storm occurred out of the blue; New Orleans seemed to be getting those a lot recently. The raven-haired woman took notice of the appalling weather outside, rain hitting the ground harshly. "I'm sure Em can agree."

(𝐅𝐎𝐑) 𝐎𝐑 (𝐍𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑) 𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐄. niklaus mikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now