EIGHT―The Possessive.

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➸ 𝐀𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐍𝐄𝐑𝐘. henry cavill

(𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗢𝗿𝗶𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗹𝘀; 1x8)


The tension in the room could stall an axe and even that would be an understatement. Rebekah's pensive yet seething state and Niklaus' nonchalance for his actions regarding Elijah, Emery found breakfast with the three of them together intolerable.

She'd lost count of the number of times she'd sighed and rolled her eyes at the siblings. Was she somewhat glad for never having a sibling herself given the two in front of her? Hell yes.

She had been forced out of bed for this absolute nonsense but at least the hybrid had supplied her with an assortment of pancakes, waffles, a full English, muffins, cakes, beignets, and other pastries. She'd taken promptly two bites before wanting to hurl everything she'd eaten the last week all over the table. How she didn't was only by sheer virtue of willpower gained in the last few thousand years.

Now. Now, she just wanted a bloody drink.

One of the servers, a young woman, stood, stiff, face blank by Klaus' chair as he bites her wrist and feeds from her. The hybrid wipes his mouth with a napkin and flickers his gaze to Emery's slumped, brooding form for a moment then to Rebekah. "Have you spoken to our good friend Marcel today?"

"No, should I have?" Rebekah replies innocently, not bothering to look at her brother.

"He's been mysteriously silent― avoiding me, some might say. I thought perhaps he may have whispered reasons into your ear. Along with all of those sweet nothings." Klaus comments leaving Emery to sigh heavily. The sorceress' gaze flickered over to the two dragon-dogs wrestling in the corner and her lips twitched as Aithusa crashed into a horrid art piece that Niklaus would no doubt bitch about later.

She was far from a fool, she knew exactly what the two had been up to the night before from their bloody paws when she'd snuck― gone out (she's a fucking adult, older than the two Originals in front of her combined. She did not fucking sneak out like a teenager) to see Sophia in the early morning. Not that she minded their certain overprotectiveness, Emery just wished she'd gotten the chance to get her own vengeance.

"If I see him, I'll be sure to ask if he's still sore at you." Rebekah snarks. Neither of the Originals seemed to notice the clatter of utensils or the shattering of plates courtesy of Aithusa and Saphira.

Emery sips her tea.

"Let me give a voice to that look in your eyes." His voice turns into one that mimics his sisters. ""My saintly noble brother lies writhing in agony in the Bayou, victim of my bastard brother's bite, when just one or two drops of his blood would ease his pain.""

(𝐅𝐎𝐑) 𝐎𝐑 (𝐍𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑) 𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐄. niklaus mikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now