Chapter 4

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Location: Tempur-A Headquarters

Everyone at there were doing their own job. As we can see, the group of Warrior Stars also preparing their equipment. 

"Does everyone already prepare the stuffs that we need to bring?" ask Asuka ( Scarlet ).

"Yes, we are!" said everyone in the office.

"Good, and don't forget to use this communication device. It's very important to communicate each other." said Asuka ( Scarlet ), while showing the stuff.

"Ah, this is invented by the twins right? I like this device to be honest, it's very durable and easy to use for any mission without worrying will get damaged easily." said Michiko ( Orchid ).

"I'm agree with Michiko. Our power watch were also get fixed and upgraded thanks to them. Every device that they made makes us got amazed." said Nagisa ( Stardust ).

"Does Mako bring those device with her, Asuka? We still have some those device in the twins lab, if she forget to bring it." said Sachiko ( Amethyst ).

"I'm already ask her. She said she bring it." said Asuka ( Scarlet ).

"Hahahahaha, she still get scared with the twins's madness. I still remember last time she accidently broke the communication device in the middle of our undercover mission." said Asami ( Starlight ) sweatdrop while remembering the incident.

"That was her own fault for being careless too." said Hotaru ( Violet ).

"Okay then, enough with the chit chat. Let's get ready for our plan. We will monitor the situation around TAPOPS Station first, before we go there. Therefore, the team who will go first is fourth team, Sakura, Hana and Sachiko. You three will monitor the situation at there first, don't get involved fight with Retak'ka first. Give us update about situation at there." said Asuka ( Scarlet ).

"Roger that!" said Sakura, Hana and Sachiko in unison.

"And Asami, please help me prepare the portal machine for teleport three of them and set the coordinate near TAPOPS Station." said Asuka ( Scarlet ).

"On it!" said Asami ( Starlight ) start leaving the office to go to main control room.

"I'm already tell Mako about the plan, so you guys don't need to worried it again. And remember, don't get too close to TAPOPS Station, understood?" said Asuka ( Scarlet ).

"Understood!" said Sakura, Hana, and Sachiko while giving salute.

All of them leaving the office and immediately go to main control room. 

"The portal machine is ready to use! I'm already set the coordinate near TAPOPS Station." said Asami ( Starlight ).

"Okay, then goodluck for three of you. Please be careful at there." said Asuka ( Scarlet ).

"Okay. We will heading there first." said Sakura ( Lotus ).

Three of them start enter the portal. 

Location: Earth

Tok Aba's house, 21:30 pm

After finish eat the dinner, Boboiboy and Mako cleaning the dining table,  then wash the dishes at kitchen, while Fang, Tok Aba, and Ochobot at living room watching TV. After finished doing their job, they saw Tok Aba stand up from the sofa.

"I go to sleep first, goodnight. Don't stay up too late. You three need to have a lot rest." said Tok Aba.

"Me too. I also need to go charge pod. I'm using a lot energy today for teleportation." said Ochobot.

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