Chapter 1

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Gorya paced back and forth in the bathroom, her timer ticking indicating there were still a few minutes to go. She couldn't concentrate in anything else but the white stick on the far end of the bathroom counter. She was going crazy, the nervousness and anticipation killing her slowly. She didn't want to get her hopes up, after all they've been through this before.

Ever since getting married, Thyme and her decided that they would wait a couple of years before having kids. This decision coming mostly from her most to Thyme's dismay, as she wanted to build a professional path of her own where she could be in a stable position that allowed her to be more flexible with her time. If the decision had depended solely on him, he would have started trying the second they left their wedding venue, as he has always yearned for a little family of his own.

Sadly, they did not consider that sometimes it takes a bit of time to conceive. They've been trying to get pregnant for a couple of months with no good news showing on that little screen of the stick. The lack of a second pink line a constant reminder of what they wish they could have. After having tried for around 4 months they visited Gorya's gynecologist and a fertility doctor, thankfully receiving good news that all is well with both of them and that they just needed to give it time. So after a while, they both decided to relax and leave the process to fate. They would stop the constant monitoring of her ovulation cycles and would enjoy their days together as a couple, taking one day at a time.

This time however, all the signs were there. She hadn't realized she had missed last months' period until three weeks had already gone by. It was normal for her to not be very precise with her dates so she didn't really give it much thought. She had been feeling ill during the past two weeks but had dismissed it as it had been a couple of stressful weeks at work. It wasn't until last night when Thyme made a cheeky comment about her breasts looking fuller that something suddenly clicked in her mind.

The timer went off interrupting her train of thoughts. Her shaky hands reaching out towards her phone to stop the ringing. She got closer towards the counter, eyes barely open as she was afraid to look.

1,2,3 deep breaths she took before fully opening them, 2 lines showing on the screen. Too many emotions ran through her as she sat on the bathroom floor holding the stick. Her hand went up to cover her mouth as a huge smile formed on her face, tears filling her eyes at what this meant. Their own little family.

Thyme. She needed to tell him, he was going to be so happy. He wasn't going to be home for another 2 hours which could probably give her enough time to prepare some way nice for him to find out. She rushed to get changed, putting on the first thing she saw in her closet, grabbing the keys and running out of the house, leaving Jiw very startled as she just shouted "Be back in a few, don't tell Thyme!".


Thyme was relieved to arrive back home. The past few weeks he had taken up working on Saturday's because of the recent M&A deal Parama Group had been working on, it was definitely taking a toll on him. All he was looking forward while at work was getting home and spending the evening cuddled with his wife while they watched Thai Soap Operas, a tradition they had adopted from Gorya's family.

As he opened the door to their house an exquisite smell reached his nostrils. He walked towards the dining room only to be received by a nicely set table, his favorite meal on display and Gorya walking into the dining room talking with Jew as they carried a vase of flowers to place on top of the table.

"Oh, you're here" Gorya said as she helped Jiw place the vase on the dining table, before walking towards Thyme and hugging him. Thyme gave her a peck on the forehead before tilting her face towards him and giving her a sweet kiss. A common greeting whenever he came back from work. He left their hug to put his briefcase in the living room.

A little piece of you and me (ThymeGorya)Where stories live. Discover now