Chapter 2

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Thyme kept looking at his watch, the seconds ticking by as he tapped his foot impatiently. He was supposed to be out of this board meeting by now, yet the discussion had prolonged into a lengthy one as the parties took time to reach an agreement. Tia saw him through her peripheral vision, her younger brother's mind far away from this meeting. She scribbled down something in her notepad, gracefully sliding it towards where he was sitting.

"Go to your appointment. I'll take care of this" it read. Thyme exhaled in relief, thankful that his sister had his back. He abruptly got up from his seat, the person who was talking stopping mid-sentence at the CEOs action.

"I apologize, I'll have to excuse myself as I have some important business to attend to. Our head of Finance will be the one taking charge from here on my behalf. Do continue" Everyone nodded in agreement as Thyme put his laptop away in his briefcase, exiting the meeting room.

As soon as the door was closed, he sprinted towards his office grabbing his car keys and wallet in a hurry. He made his way towards the elevator, multiple apologies leaving his mouth as his employees dodged his running form, avoiding a collision.

He drove as fast as he could without endangering his life through the streets of Bangkok, arriving just in time to the hospital. He saw Gorya's form patiently sitting outside the doctor's office. She would have definitely not forgiven him if he missed another appointment. He had missed the first one due to a business trip to Singapore he couldn't avoid, because of that, he had already rearranged his whole schedule to not interfere with any future doctor's appointments. He for sure got the silent treatment from hormonal Gorya as he made her promise him not to look at the monitor until their second appointment, something they wanted to experience together.

"You were about 5 minutes away from sleeping on the couch tonight" A relieved Gorya told him, glad that her husband was by her side now. Thyme faked offense, an exaggerated gasp coming out of his mouth as his hand went up to his heart.

"You wouldn't dare darling. Love me too much for that" He told her in a teasing manner, Gorya shook her head in response, a light smile gracing her features.

"Mrs. Thithara Paramaanantra" they heard the doctor call out from the door, turning their heads toward her as Thyme helped Gorya stand up.

"That would be me" Gorya responded, taking Thyme's hand into hers giving him a gentle squeeze. She was nervous, this 20-week appointment was crucial to determine their baby's health and development.

The doctor instructed her to lie down on the reclining chair and adjust her garments to expose her belly, she left the small room for a minute to arrange what she needed. Thyme came to Gorya's side as soon as she was positioned, his hand gently rubbing her belly, a baby bump already prominent. He was a nervous wreck, but he didn't want to show it to not agitate his wife. The doctor came back into the room putting on her globes and sitting on the wheeled stool, a smile adorning her face.

"Right, are we ready?" She asked, they nodded in unison as a warm layer of gel was placed on Gorya's exposed belly. Expectant eyes looking towards the screen as the doctor moved the apparatus across her.

"Would you look at that" She said turning the monitor towards them, a black and white image showing on the screen. The image of their little baby being shown to them for the first time, the little arms, legs and head clear in the image as Gorya felt her hand being squeezed harder. Gorya's eyes started getting teary as she smiled up at her husband, only to see a pair of tears already running down his cheeks as their eyes connected.

"Look at that darling, our little bean is so big now! So perfect" He cried leaning down to kiss the top of her head, his hands wiping the tears on his wife's face. "God, I love you so much" he kissed forehead, resting his head against hers for a minute, both still with tears on their faces from the happiness they were feeling.

A little piece of you and me (ThymeGorya)Where stories live. Discover now