Chapter 3

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*CW: Mild foul language 

For the past 3 days, Gorya has been having mild contractions. This has resulted in a couple of midnight visits to the Hospital, both parents with eyebags under their eyes, walking proof of this. Thyme has worked from home for the past week, afraid to not be there on time whenever he is needed.

It is 10 pm by the time they finish eating dinner, a starry night sky can be seen from the dining room window. Thyme picked up the plates and placed them in the sink for tomorrow. Auntie Yu and the girls have been of immense help these past couple of days with both of them being at home the whole time. They reached their bedroom, both exhausted, Thyme from working all day with the bare minimum amount of sleep and Gorya from the terrible back pains she's been having and the cramps in her legs. She laid down, Thyme was quick to hug her to his side as she positioned the pregnancy pillow between her legs. Following their daily routine, he moved down the bed to give a quick peck on her very pregnant belly, a small "Can't wait to meet you, petal" leaving his lips. After a couple of minutes, sleep took over them, both falling into a deep slumber.

"Oh God!" Gorya grunted a strong contraction waking her up. She turned to the bedside table reaching out her hand to grab her phone, the screen going bright for a second displaying the time, 2 am.

"Thyme, love?" She nudged his shoulder trying to wake him up. "Thyme" She tried again with no success, "Thyme! Wake up!" She shoved him harder, this time succeeding in waking him up.

"What? What?! I'm awake! Are you okay?! Is it time?" He woke up startled, hands feeling around the bed for Gorya.

"I think so" She told him, a hand on her stomach as she stood up from bed to grab her change of clothes. Thyme jumped out of bed, hastily making his way to the closet. He jumped around the room fighting to put the second leg inside his pants as fast as he could. Once he was dressed, he mentally went through the checklist they've gone through every night this week: Gorya's suitcase, baby's suitcase, nursing pillow, installed car seat. Kavin had come help him to install the car seat a few nights ago, funny how much time it took two grown adults to get the hang of it. He loaded everything into the van, making sure the car seat was still properly installed. Yes, Thyme Akira Paramaanantra had made space in his garage for a van, Gorya had won that battle. He got the van started and rushed back inside to get his wife who was already downstairs, waiting for him. Thyme drove them to the hospital, a hand on Gorya's knees for emotional support as their made their way through the streets of Bangkok.


"I'm sorry. I really thought this one was one of the real ones" Gorya apologized embarrassedly as they entered their bedroom, this was the third time she had misinterpreted Braxton hicks with the real thing. She felt guilty, because of her Thyme had not rested properly for a couple of days now. She had been able to rest during the day whenever they took a late-night visit to the hospital. Thyme, however, had to work during the day, not able to rest properly until the night, when she would continuously wake him up thinking it was time. She also felt sad for giving him false hope, seeing his face light up every time she said they had to go to the hospital.

"I'll have none of that, love. C'mon, it's all good. I'd rather you be cautious and have us go to the hospital 10 times than you ignore the signs." He comforted her, after 9 months of carrying their baby daughter inside her body he could understand how anxious and tired she could be.

"One thing's for certain though," Thyme continued, helping Gorya get into bed. "She's as stubborn as her mother, alright. She just doesn't want to come out, it's already 4 days past her due date. Playing hard to get with your parents, aren't you petal?" He laid down beside her caressing her bump, not even bothering to get out of his clothes. He only had an hour more before he had to get up and start working. Gorya let out a light laugh at this, if anyone's stubborn in this family it was him.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2022 ⏰

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