Letter 4

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I am afraid that the last letter to you has even cut short for the same reason that his one shall. Ivan has seized a vast area of my eastern land, from my southern areas to the Black Sea. The west area of me has been seized by Gilbert and is now being called South Prussia. A third part of me has been seized by Roderich. I know not if this letter will ever reach you. I am being moved to one large home where I can live along with the three bastards that have taken all of my land. I am to give you one piece of advice and one only before I am taken away; beware. Do not let them do the same to you. Do not allow them to do the same. Spurn their supposed help, as it is all a bluff.

In the end, you will end up like me.

Nothing. Just a part of them. Partition is terrible; pray that it doesn't occur to you.

And pray for me. Only our lord in heaven will be able to save my nation and I. I shall take my bible and rosary with me so that I may seek guidance from these terrible events. God knows what will happen

F. Łukasiewicz, 17-

A/N: Chapter 1- the interesting part- is coming soon! *enter dramatic music here*

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