Chapter 143: Sculpting

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This is so fuckin boring. Reine Kakara thought in dismay, in abysmal boredom, the type that made her mind wander before circulating back in place, a place of confinement, a state of still inertia.

Urielle tasked her to become a sculpture of ice. Or at least mime a sculpture like the rows of children below the snowy hill. Each time Urielle told them to freeze, they would freeze on the spot, regardless of whatever position they were in. Each time Urielle told them to unfreeze, they would unfreeze immediately and carry on with whatever activities they were up to.

Which these days, mostly included watching their Queen with impassive expressions and mild excitement in their eyes, only their eyes. They wanted Kakara to become the best version of herself so that they could in turn emulate her.

Kakara snorted. She noticed how the children trailed after Urielle like ducklings. They admired her the most, whereas they practically adored Kakara and Minaleese. In their muted way of course that served as a stark contrast to the excessive adulation of the Staris children.

She much preferred the children of her clan, and she much preferred her cousin's company. Urielle sat on a marble bench in front of Kakara, staring at her emotionlessly.

Kakara had been standing in the same position for hours, doing absolutely nothing, holding buckets of ice in each hand. That wasn't a problem. She could carry a whole lot more due to her strength. This was child's play.

The merciless cold? She was getting used to it again, thanks to her roots. It was the sheer boredom that made her sick. What kind of training was this? She felt more of a thrill training with Ishthrylla. That had heat and lust in it at least. This?

"How long?" Kakara spoke through her teeth.

Urielle didn't speak.

Kakara sighed. She had been on the receiving end of the silent treatment for quite some time now. This is ridiculous.

"I thought you said you were going to break me like crushed ice?" Kakara attempted a probe. "Cause I don't feel like the hardest and strongest diamond. I barely feel any pressure either."

Urielle inclined her head a little.

Kakara considered the movement. She's reevaluating. She's never had to train someone like me.

"What did you think our training would entail?" Urielle inquired, breaking her period of silence.

"Pain," Kakara said coldly.

Urielle wiped accumulated snow off her fur covered shoulders. "I suppose I misled you with my wording and demeanour. My job isn't to hurt you, or cause you pain, mon—" Urielle halted. "Kakara."

"So what do you intend to do? Say it in a way that I can comprehend."

"I want to break the you that Maxis sculpted so that the you that Kakara wants can be sculpted."

She made a screwing motion with her sword-like wrench. "Honestly speaking, what you need from me is therapy rather than strict training, so to speak. You're unstable. There are some loose screws within you that need to be tightened, and there are screws that restrict you too tightly, in need of loosening. That includes the scarring madness that causes you to blackout when you are at your lowest point."

Urielle contemplated further. "You already have all the tools and skills you could ever need. The issue is synchronization, given the fact that you've trained from various disciplines and climates. At first I was just going to use the same therapy that worked for me. Unfortunately, the disciplines you've gained from your Racaan family have complicated things."

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