Happy (Late) 100k!

1K 18 1

Thank you guys for getting this story to 100k! I appreciate a lot. Although, I don't know how this story became so popular because overall, this story sucks horribly. The writing is all over the place and I had no idea where to go since I messed the plot up

In all, this has to be the worst story I have written, but I'm glad to have grown through the moments. With that being said, I would most definitely try to find time to rewrite this story to make it better.

For now, I am working on finishing other stories considering how I have 21 books published as of March 31, 2022.

Thank you guys for the achievement! I will continue to grow as a writer and learn more so I can create stories that you guys are willing to read! 🫶

With so much love,
- jessi < 3

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