-°~Chapter 7~°-

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Word Count: 1,168

Billion air hair :³
No One's POV:

Izuku gave a long dramatic sigh as he saw the abomination that is Denki's house.

"Denki! What did I say?! I build the houses, you mine and get food!" Izuku stated as he bonked Denki on the head.

"What?! My house looks good!" Denki screeched as he held the back of he's head.

"It's made, OUT OF DIRT AND NOT 1 OR 2, BUT 3 DEFRENT KINDS OF WOOD!" Izuku screeched as he narrowed he's eyes at Denki.

"Well you can still live in it so I don't see the problem" Denki stated as he crossed he's arms, he's controller now resting on the floor.

"Look babe, when your in a server that's just yours, you can do whatever you want but while I'm here, we're going down in STYLE" Izuku stated matter of factly.

"I'M STYLISH!" Denki was quick to defend himself.



Well now they are wrestling, not the kinky kind mind you but still wrestling nonetheless, Mina who was cooking in the kitchen just sighed as she watched the two wrestle each other over dick and mincraft (as you do), and honestly Mina wasn't even mad about it, Denki could not bulid a tasteful mincraft house to save he's life no matter how much they tried to teach him about building tasteful things and Denki really only looked Hella hot when he wanted to which was usually when he wanted to get laid, not slut shaming but honestly bro have a bit more style in your everyday wardrobe.

"Y'all stop trying to kill each other, I made macaroni with the chicken strips" Mina stated as she started to make the plates.

Both stopped what they were doing and looked at each other before nodding, they knew what must be done.

"Macaroni with the chicken strips? Ahh~" Both states in sync as they moaned at the end, they didn't care, they've all heard each other's moans many times before (do what you wish with that information).

Once they did that they continued wrestling for a few moments before they decided food was more inprortant then there fight over dick and mincraft, so they separated so they could get off the floor before they made there way over to the kitchen, they sat on their respective places with Izuku on top of the counter, Denki sitting on a stool to the side of him while Mina also sat on a stool across from Denki, they immediately began to eat.

They ate in silence for a bit, this wasn't uncommon, when they wanted to chill they'd just sit down wherever as they eat, sometimes they needed a bit of silence.

"So~ Izuku, Mina, you two know how I kinda hooked up with someone with red eyes and I had no idea who it was?" Denki started once he swallowed a spoon of Mac and cheese.

"Yeah? Did you figure out who it was?" Mina asked just before she ripped into her chicken strips.

"Uhhh I mean I narrowed it down to like two people?" Denki slightly questioned as he scratched he's cheek.

"Oh? Who are these people?" Mina asked intrigued, Izuku was still eating only slightly listening to the conversation.

"Uhm... Well it's ether Kirishima or..." Denki mumbled the last part, making Mina raise a brow.

"Who? Dear your gonna have to speak up" Mina stated as she rested her head on her hand.

"It's ether Kirishima or.." Denki once again mumbled the second person's name, which got Izuku's attention for like a solid second before he went back to he's food.

"Orrrrrr?" Mina egged him on, she really wanted to know who she needed to threaten and or beat the shit out of.

Denki gave a sigh as he mentally prepared himself for this, he was so not ready to say this.

"Or Bakugou..." Denki finally stated as he looked down and fiddled with he's fingers.

Now that caught Izuku's attention.

"Kacchan? You mean- Katsuki is here? I didn't even know he went to college let alone the same one as me.." Izuku slightly trailed off at the end.

"Uh- Yeah he goes to thus college, but aside from that Denki you slept with him???" Mina questioned with her mouth slightly agap.

"Maybe! Nothing is concrete yet! He's just... One of the people I narrowed it down to.." Denki stated panicked.

"Denks calm down, it's not that big of a deal?" Izuku questioned, was it a big deal? I mean if Katsuki raped him it would be a huge deal because Izuku's not sure if he'd live after that (even if it wasn't him whoever it was would still die but you know).

"I-I mean I don't think ether of them would.. You know rape me or anyone else for that matter but.. I-If I did sleep with Katsuki I am so sorry Izuku" Denki stated as he fiddled with he's hoodie string, it was obvious he felt guilty.

"Uh- Why are you sorry?" Izuku asked with a raised brow as he continued to eat, even he's curiosity can beat he's hunger.

"Wasn't Bakugou your middle to high school bully?" Mina questioned as she took a sip of her soda.

"Oh I forgot about that- Yeah but that was when we were like children, I'm over it and just because we have bad history doesn't mean I'm gonna be mad when Denki sleeps with him, even if they got in a relationship I wouldn't care as long as he treated Denks right" Izuku stated with a sigh.

"Didn't know telling someone to kill themselves was just simple "bad history"" Mina stated as she took a loud sip of her drink.

"Wow- okay first of all: I went to therapy so I'm all good, and second of all: he apologized for it during high school so it's fine" Izuku stated with a dismissive hand wave.

"So... it's totally okay if I say he's hot as hell?" Denki asked with a raised brow.

"Bro there's no fighting facts, he is hot" Izuku said as he crossed he's arms.

"Yeah hate to admit it but the guy is hot, an asshole for sure but a hot one" Mina stated with a sigh, she doesn't really like the blond but if Denki does have something going on with him she'd tolerate him as long as he's near God damn perfect for Denki.

"That's good" Denki let out a breath he didn't know he was holding, he was so glad they didn't care nor seem to mind, because if he'd slept with Izuku's bully while he was still recovering he'd feel guilty for the rest of he's life, not only that but he might have needed to find new roommates, but he still kinda hopes it's Kirishima so there won't be any issues.

With that talk out of the way, they continued to eat their food, what a night.

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