-°~Chapter 20~°-

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Word Count: 1,451
No One's POV:

Izuku couldn't help bit groan as he began to wake up, he's head hurt, not like crazy kind of hurt but it was enough to make him groan.

Though when Izuku went to sit up he was quickly put back down by a warm hand, so obviously Shoto was the one not allowing him to sit up.

"Please don't get up, Hanta hasn't come back with the pain killers.." Shoto mumbled quietly as he brought Izuku back into his chest so they could cuddle.

"Mm.. did you get hurt or did you just predict that I'd have a headache" Izuku asked just as quietly.

"We assumed you would and you were out of pain killers so Hanta went out to get some" Shoto explained as he rested his head into Izuku's neck.

That's right, Izuku was supposed to grab pain killers quiet a while back and honestly? It completely slipped his mind, it probably slipped everyone else's mind as well, so not totally his fault but still.

"Why are you cuddled up in my neck? Your like fore whole ass inches taller then me" Izuku asked still keeping his voice quiet, sense they were so close he could get away with it.

"Did you want to be cuddled up in my neck?" Shoto asked.

"Well I mean no-" Izuku started but was interrupted quiet quickly.

"Then shut the fuck up" Shoto stated just before he hid his whole ass face between Izuku's neck and the pillow.

"Wowwww" Izuku murmured unimpressed, though he couldn't deny Shoto was adorable when he got like this.

From a distance he could hear his front door open, he assumed it was Sero coming back with pain killers and sure enough 5 minutes later he was proven right when Sero came back with a glass of water and 2 pain killers in hand.

"I'm back~" Sero said quietly, being mindful of Izuku's headache.

"Welcome back.." Izuku mumbled as he looked up at Sero.

Sero nodded with a bright smile as he brought the water and pain killers over to Izuku, Izuku slightly sat himself up just enough so he could take them, first he put the pain killers in his mouth then grabbed the water and swallowed it all together, which is when he gave the glass back to Sero.

"So I'm guessing Shoto was right about you waking up with a headache" Sero whispered as he sat down on the other side of Shoto, who was on the verge of falling asleep.

"Yeah.. uhm, I'm... I'm sorry about.. earlier and.. ignoring you guys for two days.." Izuku apologized sheepishly.

"Meh, it's alright, if you were having trouble mentally I can understand not wanting to talk to us" Sero stated with a small smile of reassurance.

Izuku couldn't help but sigh at that, he didn't know if what happened counted as him having trouble with his mental health but it sure as hell took it's tole on him, Sero seemed to see the internal rage and was quick to move Shoto onto his lap and wrapped an arm around Izuku along with into his side.

"You okay amor?" Sero questioned quietly.

"Mm... just had some things on my mind I guess.." Izuku mumbled just as quietly, he felt tired now that the pain killers have kicked in.

"Well what's on your mind? Maybe we- uh I can help" Sero said, though he quickly had to change the we to I sense Shoto was cuddled up to him, pretty much unavailable.

He didn't say anything for awhile, he wasn't fully sure of what to say either, I mean how exactly do you tell the hot himbos you've been having second thoughts about that you were thinking of ignoring them for the rest of his life? Definitely not easily I'll tell you that! But after a minute or two he finally figured out some kind of way to say it.

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