-°~Chapter 12~°-

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Word Count: 1,374

Ahhhh haven't been here in a hot minute👏
No One's POV:

Sero yawned as he scratched he's head, he gave a incoherent noise when he didn't feel Izuku on or under him.

He opened he's eyes and saw that he was still on the hammock but there was no Izuku under neath him, which is an oddly familiar theme when it comes to Izuku if he's honest, though aside from that, he looked around the room and still there was no Izuku, he couldn't help but sigh at that.

"Maybe he's cooking? Or taking a shit..?" Sero thought to himself vaguely as he got off (fell off) of the hammock tiredly.

When he finally got out of the room he stumbled to the kitchen, when he did he found that Izuku wasn't there he pouted, did he seriously leave him again? Big sad so bad.

Was this just gonna be Izuku's thing? Sleeping with him before running off to do whatever? Was this a test? Some kind of commitment issue Izuku has and he's salutation is to run from two very rich and very persistent hot men (woah now, that's a mighty big ego)? Well, whatever the case, he didn't have to leave Izuku's apartment til 1 (which is when he's class starts) so he'll either get to see him before hand or grab him during learning hours and... Well I think you get what I'm saying.

Suddenly he heard the toilet flush, making him turn around, had Izuku been in the bathroom the whole time?

"Izuku?" He called out, he was hopeful that it was Izuku but it might be one of he's roommates, Mina and Denki he believes their names are.

"Ha?! The fuck do you think I look like?"

Okay... Defiantly not Izuku, maybe this was the uh, pink one that Izuku was talking about? Mina?

Though when he saw a admittedly hot muscular blond man with sharp red eyes that really seemed to be packing walk out of the bathroom he was almost completely sure that wasn't he's Izuku or any of he's roommates, though if it is then this would definitely be a bit weird.

"Ohh... Your defiantly not Izuku or he's roommates... Unless?" Sero slightly questioned, in return he got a glare.

"I am not any of those idiots, I'm Katsuki fucking Bakugou and don't you forget it!" Katsuki stated in a slightly loud voice, obviously trying to dominate the lanky man, good thing he didn't degrade him other wise this would've ended rather quickly!

"Ah... Rightttttt, uhm so why are you here? Your not, like one of Izuku's roommate" Sero stated as he stretched he's limps.

"I was fuckin' sleeping here" Katsuki stated as he rolled he's eyes.

"Yeah, but why?" Sero pushed for answers.

"Why don't you mind your fucking business soy boy?!" Katsuki finally yelled angrily.

"....Soy boy?" Sero couldn't help but pause at the nickname, he felt he should take great offense to said nickname but he won't, honestly he found it a bit funny.

Katsuki however wasn't as amused as Sero was, he rolled in he's before he took a long look at the lanky man, he could clearly tell this man was rich just from the way he acted but he's Gucci swear pants were also a give away at he's richness, if it wasn't for the piercings adoring he's body he'd say he's rather boring looking compared to someone like him or Mina, but he also knew this man is a fuck boy, with that being said.

Who the actual fuck got him here for a one night stand on a school night?

"Who the fuck did you sleep with?" Katsuki asked out of the blue.

"Huh?" Sero couldn't help but be slightly confused at the question, was this a test? Was he failing?? Oh dear God he should start writing an apology to Izuku.

"I mean, who'd you stick your dick into? I know your a fuck boy, so you must have slept with someone, was it Mina?" Katsuki clarified with a scowl, honestly it wasn't any of he's business but he was curious.

This however, caught Sero by surprise, then moments later he burst out laughing, which admittedly, caught Katsuki off guard.

"Oi the fuck you laughing at?!" Katsuki yelled angrily, who was this extra to laugh at him?!

"Ohhh my God! You really don't keep up do you?" Sero asked as he continued to laugh at Katsuki.

"The fuck does that mean?!" Katsuki once again yelled at the lanky extra.

"Dude! I haven't been called a fuck boy sense my first year of college! Jeez, it's been a year and a half sense then!" Sero stated as he calmed he's laugher.

Okay, now Katsuki felt a bit silly.

It's been that long? I mean, he doesn't really keep up with the gossip sure but most of it usually makes It's way to him at some point, though he supposed he can't know everything, especially if he doesn't really pay attention, or ask, or even really care... Okay maybe he wad behind on a bit but common! He's busy with school and trying to fucking pass it wasn't he's fault!

Well, maybe it was but he refused to ever admit that.

"Shut up! It's not my fault I didn't hear about it til now!" Katsuki yelled as a blush began to cover he's cheeks.

"Jesssus, I haven't been called a fuck boy in a while, brings back some nice memories" Sero stated once he finally calmed down.

"Whatever! You still haven't answered my question soy boy!" Katsuki yelled in both irritation and embarrassment.

Sero couldn't help but look at the man in front of him for a long minute, should he tell him? He knows this guy has a temper along with a short fuse but honestly it's not like he's dating Izuku so it probably wouldn't hurt to tell him, I mean hopefully not.

"I was visiting Izuku" Sero finally said, he didn't quite notice the slight change in Katsuki's demeanor.

"You were visiting... Midoriya?" Katsuki questioned as he narrowed he's eyes at the man across from him.

"Yep! We ended up cuddling all night, I've been doing this for a bit sense Shoto has been talking to he's brother" Sero stated as he stretched he's arms, then when he finally heard a pop he stopped.

"Half and half? Is he your boyfriend? Is Midoriya your boyfriend? Side piece?" Katsuki questioned, the simple thought of this lanky extra using Izuku just to fuck made him mad, especially if he's boyfriend didn't know or consent to it.

"Well I mean, me and Shoto are official but we're trying to win Izuku's heart, we're all polygamous as far as I'm aware" Sero stated with a shrug.

"So he's not using Izuku... Good." Katsuki thought as he looked at Sero, he didn't know if this lanky fuck deserved Izuku but.. He wouldn't intervene, it isn't he's part to play, but he'd be dammed if he didn't make sure this extra knew not to use Izuku, after all, it was the least he could do for an old friend.

So he roughly grabbed Sero by the shirt and made sure they were up close and personal, he needed to make sure he heard him because he wasn't gonna repeat himself.

"Woah what the fu-?!" Sero started but was cut off by Katsuki.

"Listen here you lanky extra, if you hurt or even dare try to use Izuku I will rip off your fucking arm and make you fuck yourself on it while I rip your eyeballs out with a rusty key. Do you fucking understand?" Katsuki threatened in a dangerously calm and collected tone.

Now, Sero would've said something like kinky in response if he wasn't actually fucking terrified at the threat, so he nodded super fucking fast and prayed that it was enough for the blond, and thankfully it was.

"Good, glad we've come to an agreement." Katsuki stated as he let Sero go, he gave Sero one last glance before he began to make he's way out of the apartment.

Once Sero knew he was gone he promptly fell on the floor.

What. The actual. Fuck.

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