Chapter 4

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Kylie's POV: 

As I closed my front door I softly called out, "I'm home!"

Nothing except the humming of my air conditioner turning back on, greeted me. That was strange. My dad usually worked from home and would always welcome me with a hug.

I strolled down the hallway into the kitchen and noticed a note on the refrigerator:


Your mother and I decided to take the day off today for a well deserved vacation and won't be back  home until after dinner. 

Feel free to pick up the food items on the grocery list to make yourself a meal.

Also you're grounded for three days for running off on us last night, so no friends over.

We love you very much, 


I sighed re-reading the part about the groceries. I didn't really mind the part about being grounded, I usually never left the house anyway. I was always cooped up in my bedroom reading or writing. But I didn't feel like having supper alone.

There wasn't anything I could do about it so I grabbed the grocery list off the counter and some money from our 'secret stash container' aka the cookie jar, and set off back out the door to the store.

I put my headphones in and pressed shuffle on my playlist as I started the 20-minute walk to the nearest grocery mart to my house.

It took me 10 songs to get there and when I finally arrived I rushed into the air-conditioned doors, smiling as the cold sensation hit me. Even though I lived in Canada we still had fairly warm summers and I was sweating through my clothes.

I took a cart and put my purse in it and started pushing it to the back of the store. I was weird when it came to grocery shopping, I did everything backward. Usually people started from the left hand of the store and ended at the right, but I did it opposite, it was faster it seemed and not as much of a crowd.

I started to grab the milk, eggs, and the rest of the necessary alternatives, when I had that weird feeling again that someone was watching me. I turned around and saw nothing out of sort, just a few random people walking by. I looked down piling my items in the cart and continued walking.

As I started to pass all the aisles, I glanced down at the list to see what I needed to get. As I looked back up, I gasped, and stopped, there he was.

Standing at the end of one of the empty aisles was Jayce, peering down at a can in his hands. As he looked up, his focus laid on me and I watched a smirk break onto his face as he recognized me. My heart started beating really fast and I quickly kept on walking and turned into the next aisle.

I knew he was going to follow me so I grabbed the closest thing to me, which happened to be a case of dog food and pretended to study it so I would look busy and distracted.

Not even seconds later his hot breath seemed to be on me. A shiver rung through me. 

"You own a dog, eh?"

I slowly turned to look at him and notice how close he was. I took one step back away, before answering, ", not yet at least."

I noticed he was indifferent attire from what he was dressed in at school. His arm muscles flexed through his plain white graphic tee and he had very dark black jeans on.

"Fancy seeing you again," He smirked taking that one step to fill in that gap between us again.

I uncomfortably looked away then back at him, "Erm, yeah, anyways I better go now. Nice seeing you." I mumbled.

As I went to turn he grabbed my wrist and just like this morning sparks flew up my arm.

"Wait muffin, don't you want to talk more? I mean we only just got here."

I raised my eyebrows at the nickname, "Don't ever call me that again." I shrugged out of his hold.

"Why not? I think it's cute. Just like you," His brown orbs stared at me and I felt my face heating up. I didn't do well with compliments, especially from this boy.

"Look, Jayce, I get that you're trying to be nice and gain some new friends and all that but you seriously need to back off a little okay." I stammered out, trying to make my words not as harsh. "I'm the wrong girl you should be messing with."

"We will see about that," He muttered under his breath thinking I couldn't hear him.

What was that supposed to mean?

I shook my head from any possibilities and strode off with my cart without saying goodbye.

"See you at school tomorrow, muffin!" He called out after me.

Hey guys! Sorry for a short chapter, I just wanted to update

Hope you guys are all doing swell <3


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