A trip down memory lane of ages 0-5

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My memories of this age are very faint. I only have little pieces of the memory puzzle of this age, and I don't think I'll ever be able to find the missing pieces. All of these memories happened in the old house I used to have, before we moved to where we live now. Anyway, let's continue with the actual parts I can remember.

1. When I was about 4 years old, we got my little brother, Sp. Sp had cerebral palsy, and autism. Before we got him, he had to be with is old foster mom (We called her Nana Suzanne, she's still part of our lives today.), and in the hospital for a while. My mom and my Dad took turns going to the hospital to see him, and so did my brothers, except for K, who was on his mission. However, I never got to see him in the hospital, which made me feel sad and excluded. Well, the day that we finally got him, I remember going down the small little stairs that  led to the living room. My mom was sitting in a black leather chair, with my new baby brother in her lap. He was so small. He was the cutest little thing I had ever seen. He had brilliant blue crossed eyes, and the softest skin. I remember adoring him, thinking he was so adorable. Until, once he started screaming at night, I remember being slightly jealous of him. I still love him though, and don't tell my other siblings, but Sp is my favorite brother.

2. I have a faint memory of getting in trouble (I think because I didn't clean my room) when I was I think around 4 or 5. My Nana Suzanne was there, I think. Anyway, I remember being sent to my room, except, I didn't want to be in my room, away from everyone. I remember curling up in a fetal position right outside my door with my little yellow blanket. I think one of my family members (either my aunt or my nana) came to comfort me, or my mom did that thing that moms do where they sound like they're threatening you, but their whispering. You know when moms do that? Like, you're being loud at thanksgiving dinner, and your mom tells you to be quite but you keep talking because you have impulse control issues, so she grabs your arm and whispers into you ear "shut up". Well, that happens to me. Anyway, that's all I have of that memory, onto the next memory.

3. This is a short memory, but it's one of my favorites. I was sitting at the kitchen island with my brothers S and J, and we were eating cereal. I was having Cheerios. I asked my Mom for another bowl, but we were out of milk. My brother J said something along the lines of "You could have had another bowl if you didn't drink the milk from your first bowl." So, I used apple juice in my cheerios, and it was pretty damn good. 

4. I have a memory that I know was real, and it happened, but for some reason in my memory it's formed like I'm looking at myself in the third person, like a camera is watching me. The memory starts out with me and my mom sitting in our jungle gym/playhouse thing, discussing what I might be allergic to, since I was having weird symptoms. We finally settled upon cheese, and cow milk (which, to this day, my entire family does not drink cow milk, only almond milk). But then the camera thing fades out to me at my sink, with a purple and pink plastic teacup in my hand. And then the memory ends.

5. I don't actually remember this, but I do know that it did happen. Apparently when I was like 5, I woke up in the morning, stripped down naked, scribbled on myself with marker, and rod my red tricycle around the front yard.

Thank you for reading this, and letting me share my memories. I love sharing things with people, especially random strangers online. Now, you can get into my brain. You're welcome :) 

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