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Rosé doesn't have time for Jennie.

She goes on thinking about work, till the smiles and the pink in her cheeks go out again. She would smile for her fans, for being on stages, for enduring the heat of flashlights. She is thankful for people to regard her highly. And thankful that she would forget about Kim Jennie.

Every day is the same over and over again. She wakes up at 6. Then she goes through her schedule and is back at home by 12. The money in her bank account keeps getting bigger and bigger while her mood is as meek as ever.

Everything sucks.

But again, it's good to be busy.

She is so busy and drained that she thinks about staying at the dorm on a free Friday night. The other girls couldn't get why the usual bubbly Rosé would lay face down on the stinky couch and stay there for hours. Tired and weak.

Suddenly, there is a THUD.

"Yee-haw!! Ride'em cowboy!!" Lisa enthusiastically sits on Rosé's butt. The blonde tiredly releases a weak sigh.

"Get off me please!"

"Chaeyoung ah, how many times did we see each other this week?" Lisa questions. The girl quickly pulls Rosé up and lets her lean on her shoulder.

"Two maybe? So?" Rosé wipes her nose and smears it over Lisa's hoodie.

"I miss youuuuuu." Lisa is back at her usual antics. "Let's go to a party. Stop mopping over some dicks will ya?"

Rosé thinks about it for a moment. A party doesn't seem that bad right now. It could clear her mind. Plus there will be good food.

"I'm not sad." Rosé scoffs. Like she would ever be sad for a boy.

"Sure you are." Lisa pulls Rosé up and drags her to the bedroom.

"I know something happened in Paris. You don't have to tell me now, but just know that I'll always be here for you."

They go into her bedroom. Rosé sits on the bed while Lisa picks out some outfits for her.

The girl finally settled for a classic black dress that hugs Rosé's curves perfectly. She throws the dress on the bed and sits down beside Rosé.

"Chaeyoung, give me your happy smile."

Rosé gives a fake one.

"That's the spirit." Lisa is gleaming. Her energy affects Rosé a little. "Okay, now tell me wtf happened in Paris?"

Rosé rolls her eyes. She thought that Lisa was too busy with her upcoming album to notice.

"Nothing important."

"Oh yeah? Then why are you and Jennie giving each other the cold shoulder? Omg, don't tell me you have a crush on Jennie's boyfriend?"

"No!! Gosh, what's wrong with you?" Rosé squeaks and hits Lisa in the arm.

Lisa raises her brows and scratches her chin. It's difficult to talk to Rosé when she is this moody.

"Whatever." Lisa shrugs. "You are young, you are hot, and most importantly, you are rich as fuck. Why do you care if some stupid person doesn't love you back?"

Rosé couldn't understand how Lisa can read her so well. There can be no secret between them.

"I get it. I'm not sad, just confused because I'm kinda... inexperienced in these kinds of things." Rosé's cheeks heat up in embarrassment.

"The dating thing?" Lisa sounds so proud of herself. Like she knows all about it.

Rosé nods. "How can you tell if someone likes you?"

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