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The aching in Rosé's skull ebbs and flows like a cold tide, yet the pain is always there. She understands at once why they call it a hangover, for it feels as if the blackest of clouds are over her head with no intention of clearing until late afternoon.

She doesn't remember much about last night. They had a lot of fun and she was much more confident when she was drunk. Jennie was on her back most of the time. It was very annoying.

But there was one thing that Rosé wishes she could forget. She buries her head in the pillow and screams with all her might.

Last night, when they were about to head back, she asked for Irene's number and the girl rejected her. Maybe she came on too strong. Irene seems like she is not the type of person who appreciates random flirting and playing mind games.

Rosé sits up and swallows thick. Her throat is dry and the smell of alcohol makes her even more nauseous. She drags herself to the bathroom and stares in the mirror.

It's all good. As long as I'm getting over Jennie.

Rosé freshen up and heads downstairs. She will grab a sandwich at her favorite cafe before going with her schedule. There are a lot of things that need to be done.

Dressed in comfortable high-waisted jeans and a white crop top, Rosé highlights the look with a Dior bucket hat.

She steps out and looks up. Today's sky is blue-grey brindle with the softest accents of white. Rosé smiles brightly.

A beautiful day like this is not worth being ruined by petty thoughts.

That's right, Rosé is going to enjoy the day.

She will be happy and-

BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP - someone rudely honks their car.

A white range rover pulls up beside Rosé. Jennie presses down her window and says loudly.

"Get in loser. We are going for PHO."

Rosé is startled by Jennie's surprise turn up. The girl is dressed in complete black, and she has Chanel sunglasses on.

Rosé raises her brows in confusion. In the car, there are Jisoo and Irene too. She guesses that Lisa couldn't make it to breakfast because of her busy schedule.

"In or out?" Jennie asks grumpily.

Jisoo waves her hand excitedly to invite Rosé in.

Irene secretly looks at Rosé. The blonde immediately flashbacks about last night's embarrassing event. She ducks her head and gets in the car. She sits in the back with Irene.

"Took you long enough." Jennie stomps on the gas pedal. The car shots forward.

"You seriously need to chiiiiiilllll," Jisoo says and puts on some music from her Spotify playlist.

Jennie quickly stops Jisoo. "The driver gets to DJ."

She puts on "happier" by Olivia Rodrigo.

Jisoo starts talking about random things; only Jennie and Irene join in. Rosé stays quiet cause she doesn't feel like seeing Jennie or Irene at the moment.

"Oh, I hope you're happy
But not like how you were with me
I'm selfish, I know, I can't let you go
So find someone great, but don't find no one better" Jennie sings out passionately from the top of her lungs.

Jisoo gives her a confused look.

The first or the second time is fine but Jennie has been playing that song for 8 times straight.

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