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Jennie is honest enough to admit this to herself, but she is having a blast being away from Rosé and her members.

For the past week, Jennie has been staying in America to do some commercial deals and attend important celebrities events. It's good to have a break from her responsibilities in Korea; her messy relationships or the fact that she is unable to control herself whenever Rosé is around.

Tonight's social events are not different from the others. She socializes, promotes Blackpink, and searches for collaboration.

They take the party to the beach, all of them a safe distance apart, and do a "dance-off," a trophy going to the winner... And the winner isn't the best dancer, it is the one who made everyone laugh the most. Rosé loves these types of events. Jennie remembers when they can dance as they once did, closer and sexier, yet for now, those days have become memories she can share and keep.

At least she is making new friends.

Bretman Rock shoves a Bone-Dry Martini in Jennie's face. He makes a big 'wooo' sound and arches his butts out.

"You are zoning out! Penalty drink!!" Bretman says loudly over the blasting music.

Jennie takes the drink from Bretman and drinks it in one go. The drink runs down her throat and sends a warm fuzzy feeling over her body. She throws the glass on the sand and starts dancing with him.

Her heart beats faster with each drink he gives her. She waited for this. To be young and free. She believes that with good enough health, good enough lungs, and energy levels, she could party for the rest of her life.

"So how's your man? Heard he is like some Kpop big shot." Bretman tries to pry into Jennie's private life.

"He is big. Mr. Big. My boyfriend. Very big." Jennie slurs and does a slight hiccup. She is afraid of being drunk but also afraid of missing out.

"Sometimes I'm worried if I'll ever be in love...." Jennie slips out and stares at Bretman in shock.

"I see." Bretman sways his hips to touch Jennie's. "All of us want love, honey."

Bretman stops for a moment and looks at Jennie whiles smirking. "But none are brave enough for it."

Jennie does another hiccup. "Am I a bad person?"

Bretman spread his legs out and does the sexiest dance Jennie has ever seen in her life. This guy must be taking some serious dance lessons.

"What's bad in being a material girl living in a material world?" Bretman says. He knows about Jennie's situation. The girl is ambitious. In the end, she will only pick what's best for herself.

It's 2. AM and they are with a lot of people, dancing on the beach. Seems like it's time for an intimate conversation that they will probably forget in the morning.

"Have you ever regretted the things you did to someone close?" Bretman asks again. He is drunk. He just wants to talk. Definitely not to dig dirt on Jennie.

"Of course," Jennie says in a low tone. She sits on the sand while Bretman joins her for another drink.

"They were sweet. And it was a good kiss.... the one that started this mess." Jennie wraps her arms around her knees and pulls them closer. She closes her eyes, imagining their first kiss.


Flashback to the beginning of 2021.

Jennie drove at the highest speed possible. She ignored the speeding limits or the passing cars throwing insults at her. Jennie focused on the road. Her heart beats anxiously.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2022 ⏰

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