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It was about a week later and while your school clothes shopping you get a feel a buzz and pull out your phone

    Seen 2:36 pm
     Seen 2:42 pm
                         Seen 2:45 pm   
If you don't respond I will call you until you pick up the phone
                        Seen 2:47 pm

Sorry i'm not ignoring you i'm just school shopping
                            Sent 2:49 pm

Ooh fun
Oh I was gonna ask if you
wanted to go this back to school
Party with me connie and jean
        Sent 2:51 pm

Yea idk i'm not really a party person
                                    Sent 3:00 pm

Well your going im picking you up on friday at 9
And while your there get a dress
Make it hot 😉
    Seen 3:05 pm

Well I guess I'm going? I don't want to but jades probably going so I guess i'll go.
Just as a backup in case you do actually go you pick out a plain black bodycon dress just as a base layer

2 days later

I don't care what you say i'll be there by 9 so be ready
                    Seen 6:00 pm

You wake up to a text from sasha and the panic actually starts to settle in on I can't actually believe im going to a party i'm not gonna know anyone while thinking about it you subconsciously go to your shower

After you get out the shower you dry yourself off and apply your favorite lotion and dry your hair
"Who is it"
"Jade" she says
"Oh come in"
"Where are you going on a friday night of all nights" jade says with a touch of irritation
"Um sasha invited me to a party she said she's gonna be here at 9"
"Oh I heard about that, yeah I'm selling to a few people there. I'm not going till 10 tho"
"Oh well what do you think of this outfit"
You show her the outfit layed down on your bed
"Its cute you will definitely have everyone staring at you"
"Uuh is that a good thing?"
"Definitely. Now i'm gonna go sleep before the party you have fun"

About an hour later

Just as you putting your boots on someone bust open you door to your room
"Jeez sasha there is no reason to be yelling right now. Your gonna wake my parents"
"Oh I didn't expect you to be ready" sasha says clearly surprised
"Well I guess no turning back now"
"Damn straight now lets go jean and connie are waiting in the car"
As the two of you are walking out sasha says
"So your sitting up front with jean"
"What why" you say as shes already taking her spot in the back seat with connie
"Wow you look good" Jean says looking up from his phone to you.
"Jean stop drooling. Drive. So we can pregame" connie says while somehow annoying sasha at the same time.
"I was not drooling" Jean says looking back up to the road
"Well thank you, I guess. Also pregame?"
"Yea thats why were so early so we can hotbox before we go in" Jean says
"Ooh ok"

About 10 minutes later
As we pull up to what seems like a mansion connie pulls out a blunt
"Ok losers first to get out of the car has to kiss the host as a welcome" connie says
"Aren't you the one who always caves first?" Jean says
"No that's sasha she always get incredibly hungry when she smokes" connie laughs as sasha punches his arm
"Ouch" connie holds his arm
"Well I could stay in here allll night, I brought snacks. '' Sasha brings out a bag of candy, chips and a few bottles of soda.
"Man that's not fair, your just a fatty"
"CONNIE. Don't say that to my bae."
"y/n im love you, you sweet baby angel"
"I mean she is though" connie mutters under his breath

"Anyywayyss. Lets SMOKE BITCHESS" connie yell cause people walking by stare

About 15 minutes later jean finishes of the blunt

"Euhggg sasha give me some of those peach ringssss"
"Sasha, you know I was joking about that. Now give me peach rings"
"Leave the car" sasha says shoving a peach ring in her mouth
"What?" connie says confused practically salivating staring at her peach rings
"You heard me leave. the. Car." sasha says taking a drank out of her kiwi propel
"Sso if I leave the car you will give me peach rings" connie says very stoned
"Yup the whole bag in fact" sasha states oh I see where she's going with this
"Alrighty if that's what it will takes for peach rings"
Connie steps out of the car letting out the smoke rush out of the car
The other three let out a howl of laughter as the rest get out of the car
"What... what. Sasha? Do I get my.. Peach rings?"
"Yea connie yea you do fatty" sasha says dying of laughter as she throws the bag peach rings to connie
"Sasha."connie sounds like he's about about to cry
"Yes connie"
"There's... two. Peach rings... left" connie is on the verge of tears as he realizes he opened the car door first.

"Now lets go give you that kiss from reiner. What a great hello" sasha throws an arm around connie.

Sashas outfit
(Minus the jacket I got this off Pinterest)

Sashas outfit(Minus the jacket I got this off Pinterest)

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Y/n's outfit
(Also off Pinterest)

Please give me feedback I would love to see it 💕Next time loves~

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Please give me feedback I would love to see it 💕
Next time loves~

Aphrodite; ErenxReaderWhere stories live. Discover now