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"y/n.. I didn't know you swung both ways" connie says with a shocked look on his face

Now everyone was staring at you
It had felt like the whole world was staring at you

"Well I mean I don't really swing any, I just kinda date people. I don't wanna label my sexuality" I say looking around trying to distract from me

Its quiet for a few minutes

"That dope"

You turn around to see a brunette with hair tied in a low messy bun and a blunt in his mouth

"Whos that" jade says

The boy looks at you as you're looking at him as he answers her question. Looking directly at you.

"Im Eren"

"Yo Eren gimme some of that" jean tells eren as hes walking towards him then daps him up
Then eren gave jean the remainder of his blunt

Jade crawls over to you and whisper "damn he's hot as fuck"

"Hey don't go gossiping about me. I heard you sell your Jade right? Can I buy from you?" Eren joins in your conversation

"Uh yea how much"
"Two grams"
Jade proceeds to pull out about 2 grams of weed

"Aight well imma go smoke this could I get your number"
"Yea for sure"
Jade put her number in his phone

"bye guys enjoy your little party, I only came here for the weed."

"Wait eren you should stay" armin tells him and looks to mikasa

"Ye-yea eren stay" mikasa says stuttering a bit

"Ok only for a few" eren say walking over to an open spot on one of the couches

"Guys we should play truth or dare" connie suggested

"That's like such a good idea" sasha says

"Im in" reiner says from the entrance to the basement

Connie looks at him "Alrighty sit down. Whos going first"

Sasha volunteers
"Ookk hooww about y-y/n, truth or dare"

Once again everyone stares but this time they didnt stop staring
"U-um truth"

"Ok what was you biggest what the fuck moment youve ever had growing up"

"Oh um I guess the time when I forgot to boil the water before putting the pasta in so it just soaked in there till it was mushy and I didn't realize was I did until my mom came home and asked if I turned the stove on and all I could say was 'oh shit, your right'. Long story short she thought i was stoned"

Everyone laughed for almost 5 minutes straight which made me feel so much about it since my mom never thought of it as funny, she had always looked at me while stupid.

After 10 minutes i finally spoke up
"Oh so i guess it's my turn now uum, connie truth or dare?"

"Dare" connie says

"I dare you to streak up and down the street"


Connie proceeds to walk upstairs and everyone follows after a minute processing what there about to see

You and Eren were the last to leave and you can feel him staring holes into you

Connie streaks up and down the street and when he's makes his way back to the party he has a slight frown and rosy cheeks

"Aww connie's nervous"

"Shut the fuck up sasha its just cold" connie says covering his junk and wiggleing into the house to get his clothes

Aphrodite; ErenxReaderWhere stories live. Discover now